Chapter 8: First Day of School Pt. 1

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italics; speaking in french, unless otherwise stated

It's August 30th, and today was Cyrus Malfoy's first day of school. Right now though, he was hiding from his big brother Draco Malfoy and his godfather/cousin Regulus Black. 

"Cy, I know you're in here" Draco said while entering his brothers room. 

Cyrus, who was currently hiding in his reading tent, (A/N: photo below) pecked out abit after hearing his brothers voice and his bedroom door closing. 

"What?" Cyrus muttered

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"What?" Cyrus muttered. 

"It's almost time for us to go to school, a-" Draco said, before being interrupted by a smaller version of himself, with his mother's hair, running into him. 

"Don't leawe me" Cyrus said, his words being mispronounced due to speaking into his brothers chest. 

Draco, just chuckled which cause his brother to look up at him. "Cy, I'm not going to leave you. Remember what the teacher said when we went to meet her?" Draco asked his brother, who just nodded his head no. 


"Reg, Dray, i'm scared."  Cyrus said while the trio were making their way to Hogsmeade Elementary School, which was recently built, so Cyrus can meet his kindergarten teacher.  

"Sun, there's no reason to be scared." Regulus said to his nephew/cousin in french. 

As they made their way to the front entrance Cyrus made grabby hands towards his brother, who lifted his brother  onto his hip. 

"You ready bubs?" Draco whispered into the youngers ear. His brother just nodded, as he tucked his head into the crook of Draco's neck. The trio headed towards classroom A4, to meet Cyrus's teacher Miss. Dove. 

"Hello, and welcome to classroom A4 I'm Miss. Dove," Miss Dove, said to the trio. Draco and Regulus introduced themselves, but  when it came to Cyrus introducing himself in hid himself more and more into his brother. 

Draco started rubbing his brother's back, while introducing his brother to the teacher. "Well it's nice to meet all of you. Hey Cyrus, would you like to color in a your name, and also a couple pictures for your brother and godfather? Miss. Dove asked. 

Cyrus took his head out of his heading place, before looking at his brother for approval to go and color (A/N: which is one of his favorite activities to do back at 12 Grimmauld Place) who of course said yes. While Cyrus was coloring Draco, Regulus, and Miss. Dove started talking.

Before Cyrus came over to show of his pictures Draco told Miss. Dove about Cyrus's "episodes", which was starting to become common with many students now (A/N: i'll go over Cyrus's PTSD in a different chapter). At this point came up to the three adults to show them his pictures , before leaving Draco and Cyrus's went to put the youngers name tag above his cubby. Once they were at the front door to the classroom Miss. Dove bent down towards Cy, "Remember, Cyrus, on your first day either your brother or your godfather can stay with you for the day. Okay?"

Cyrus just nodded as he went to grab his brothers hand.


After telling Cy, that either him or Regulus can go with him and stay with him for the day. As Draco, was getting Cyrus into his school's uniform a small voice was heard. "I want you". The voice came from Cy, Draco just nodded as he finished tying the youngers school shoes. 

The two made their way to the kitchen. where Regulus Black was cooking up some breakfast. "Good Morning boys," Regulus said as he put a plate of pancakes in front of the boys, but they were mainly for the younger who was currently in the elders lap.  

After about 10 bites the younger was done, pushing his plate away and leading more into his "chair". 

"Cy Cy, can you please try eating some more?" Draco asked his brother, who just dug himself deeper into the teen. 

"Boys, its time to take your meds." Regulus said as he brought a class of water, for Draco, and a cup of milk for the younger. It was apart of their morning routine, for the boys to take their meds together after one of Cyrus's episodes. 

It was now time for them to make their way to the school.

But what the eldest boys didn't know this would be one of the best days since before the incident. 

Word Count: 740

A/N: Holy crap I got a chapter out before the end of the year 🥳🥳🥳🥳. Anyways Part 2 of this chapter will be post sometime next year, but just note this story will be updated every now then, but hopefully I do more than 2 chapters next year and will probably do a 2 story about theses two. who knows, okay bye 

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