Chapter 13: Willow Lupin-Black

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A/N: Hello, sorry this chapter is late college has been my top priority at the moment. Before we start this chapter, as I stated in the last chapter (go read that before this one) this is wolfstars adopted child Willow Lupin-Black she is also a werewolf but unlike her older brother will look more like Sirius and also calls her dads Tad (Remus) and Dad/Papa (Sirius). She's four months younger than Cyrus, meaning at this point of the story she is about 4, lastly she will be attending the same school as Cyrus and Diana.

 In this chapter, though, she will be re-meeting (if that's the correct term) her brother, and of course the Malfoy brothers and Regulus. 

AC (above): @industrations on tumblr, tiktok, instagram, twitter/X

Italics; speaking in french, unless otherwise stated (such as flashbacks)

It was the next morning, when the Malfoy brothers and Regulus were called to the Lupin-Black apartment. 

Of course, being such a good big brother, Cyrus begged Uncle Reggie to take him to Hogsmeade so he can get his new little sister a stuffed animal. In the end Cyrus picked out a dog stuffed animal, that kinda looked like Sirius animagus form. (A/N: I like to think of Sirius animagus form being either Irish Wolfhound or a black German Shepherd)

The stuffed animal 

Once knocking on the door, which was next to Remus's classroom, a tired looking Remus answered

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Once knocking on the door, which was next to Remus's classroom, a tired looking Remus answered. 

"Reg, Cy, Malfoy," The Welsh man said, and opening the door wider for the three to enter.

Once inside they saw Sirius in the small kitchen making some tea, and Apollo on the sofa with his new little sister on his lap. 

"Sorry about the mess," Remus said as he made his way over to his kids, "Willow hasn't been able to sleep all night." 

"Scared." A small, scared voice came from said girl.

Cyrus, upon seeing the girl, tugged on his brothers hoodie. Draco, noticing this and bent down to his brothers level.

"Do you think she'll like my gift?" He whispered to his brother. 

Drace gave his brother a small smile, while picking him up to bring both of them plus the gift bag in Cyrus's hand to the couch. "Yes" Draco whispered into his brother ear in french.   

"Willow," Apollo whispered into his sisters ear, "Someone here wants to see you. And I think they brought a present for you."

Willow, at this point, had stuck her thumb into her mouth something the Lupin's we're trying to break but decide right now it wasn't the best thing to do. "Pwesent?" 

"Here," Cyrus said while handing the girl her gift, as he stared down at his hands.  

"Padfoot!" The girl yelled, after taking out all of the tissue paper to get to said gift. 

At that exact moment Sirius had came into with a tray full of 5 cups of tea, a cup of hot chocolate, and a sippy cup of hot chocolate. 

"Hey, that does look like Padfoot." Sirius said while placing the tray on the small coffee table. Then without warning the man turned into Padfoot.

The girl, who always loved when her Papa turned into his animagus form during her time in the hospital, squealed with excitement. The little boy also jumped running towards the dog, something he also loved doing when visiting the Lupin's. 

~~small timeskip~~

After about 30 minutes of playing with Padfoot, Remus told the three kids that it was time for Padfoot to transform back to Sirius. Of course, not wanting to piss off Remus, Sirius transform backed instantly. "Sorry kiddos, gotta listen to the boss," Sirius said while giving his new daughter a kiss on the top of her and ruffling Cyrus's hair. 

"Willow, how about you and Cyrus go and play in the playroom. You remember where it is?" Remus said. 

"'Po?" The girl asked around her thumb, which had now made its way into her mouth. 

"Wil," Remus said, "remember no sucking your thumb." 

The girl just whined, while asking for Apollo again. 

"Your brother and Draco will come join you both in a few minutes. Okay?" Remus said. 

The two kids nodded, while Cyrus took Willow's hand leading her to the playroom, which he had been in a few times prior to her arrival.  

"What do you wanna play?" Draco asked, once the door was closed. 

The girl, who had now put her thumb back into her mouth, was scared to answer the question. But her eyes, NEVER, left the part of the room where her dolls were.

Cyrus had noticed this, "How about we play with the dolls?". 

"Meet dollies?" Willow asked, remembering to take out her thumb to speak. 

Cyrus nodded his head with a smile. As the two made their way towards the collection of dolls. Almost every doll had a name, with 3 of them looking like and being named Apollo, Sirius, and Remus. The last two dolls the girl grabbed, to show Cyrus, looked very familiar too two people the girl had just met. 

"Hey!" Cyrus shouted, while pointing out the two dolls in the youngers hand. "Those two looks like me and Draco!" 

Willow, then studied the two dolls. "Yeah!" She said, agreeing with Cyrus's statement. 

"Awe they comin'?" The girl asked, after she put all her dolls away. 

Even though it has only been around 15-20 minutes since the two kids were left in the room, too Willow it felt like hours. 

"They will be here in a few minutes." Cyrus said. While looking at the door, hoping the adults will stop talking soon. 

Just before the girl was going to say something, a knock was heard. 

"Hey," Apollo said as he, followed by Draco, "you two have fun?"

"'Po!" The girl shouted, while running up to her brother, while making a 'pick me up' motion with her hands. 

"Dray," Cyrus said, "what took you guys so long?"

"Thats none of your business mister." Draco told his brother. Who just pouted back at him. 

With that, the two older siblings took, the youngers down to Hogsmeade for lunch, and to also so Willow where she'll be going to school. 

WORD COUNT: 1,032 

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