Chapter 9: First Day of School Pt. 2

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A/N: I suggest reading the last chapter, but IDGAF if you do or dont. Also two new OCs in this chapter, one is a boy named Andrew Lock, who also goes to Hogwarts, a slytherin and is a year older than Draco (NO THEY DO NOT FALL IN LOVE). My second OC is Andrew's sister, Diana, she will be Cyrus class and become his best friend. But with all that out of the way lets continue our story. 

Art credit to ectoheart on tumblr. 

Italics; speaking in french, unless otherwise stated (such as flashbacks)

As the family walked down the street towards the elementary school, the younger Malfoy was clinging tighter and tighter to his brother's neck. Now Cyrus would be clinging his stuff dragon, Toothless, but he didn't want to be called a "baby" by his classmates if they saw him with it. 

Once they reached the entrance Cyrus was put down on the ground, while his brother put his backpack on him, that Draco was wearing while walking towards the school. Once his backpack was on  Cyrus immediately grabbed onto Draco's hand. 

"Sunshine, can I have a hug goodbye?" Regulus asked, as he kneeled down to his godson's level. Without a second thought Cyrus let go of Draco's hand and ran into his godfathers arm. Regulus, in return, tighten his grip around the younger and stood up, spinning him around, before releasing his hold. 

This cause both Malfoy boys to smile, and even a little laugh was heard from the younger. "Now, i'll see you boys back home. Cyrus if your good for Draco we may have cake for dessert." He said as he made his way to the Three Broomsticks to head back home to finish packing for Hogwarts. 

"It better be chocolate, Uncle Reggie!" The younger shouted, as he retook his brothers hand. 

Making their way inside and towards Cyrus's classroom the younger stopped, causing his brother to also stop. "Whats wrong?" He asked, now bending down in front of the younger. 

"Scared" The younger whispered. While fiddling with his fingers. 

Draco smiled at his brother, "There's nothing to be scared of. Causes i'll be with you all day today, hey maybe you'll make a friend." 

Cyrus looked back at his brother, reaching out towards him. Draco pulled his brother into a hug, and hand and hand the two made their way to the classroom. 

After putting Cyrus bag in his cubby, which he was very excited about, the two made their way to a small table. 

"Captain?" A voice asked as the duo made their way to the table. 

Draco looked up and saw the vice captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Andrew Lock. 

"Lock? What are you doing here?" Draco asked has his brother took a seat.   

The elder boy let out a chuckle, "I'm here with my little sister. What you thought I was redoing kindergarden or something?" 

Draco responded by giving him the Malfoy Glare. Andrew, of course was use to it just ignored it.  As the two where catching up a little girl, who was playing in a corner full of dolls, came up to Cyrus who was just listening to the older boys conversation. 

"HI!" the girl shouted. 

Cyrus jumped up, and went straight into his brother's side. "Cy what's wrong?" Draco asked confused of what caused his brother to react like this. 

"Diana. What have I told you about shouting?" Andrew said looking over to the girl. 

"To yell outside," the girl, Diana, respond while looking down. 

Andrew nodded his head, "Thats right. Now come over here and seat down, then apologize to Cyrus."

The girl did as she was told. "Im sorry for shouting." 

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