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the preparations for the games

the preparations for the games

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THANA MADE SURE to wake up early for the first day of training. Arthur even made sure that she has appropriate but comfortable wear for these days. Days where she, according to Rohan, would talk to other mentors about possible allyships. And of course, just hang out with other victors. It would be strange now; she knows the tributes are training, but she will have nothing to do right now except talking strategies. She wonders how it was for Johanna last year when she was in the same boat as she is now. Except that Johanna didn't have her younger brother in the games, hell Johanna doesn't even have siblings anymore.

"You're up early," Rohan says as Thana is already sitting at the table with a steaming glass of tea, "hadn't expected you for some time."

"Couldn't sleep," Thana shrugs, "I expect them to have slept terribly as well."

"Probably yes," Rohan says as he takes coffee in his hands, "but here they come."

And like Rohan says, Celie comes towards the table full of food, her eyes are filled with wonder and make Thana remember the time Celie saw the food on the tables in the train. The Capitol does know how to waste a lot of food in Thana's opinion as she smiles kindly at the young girl. Thana knows how slim her chances are of winning, Celie herself already told them she has never worked a day in the field and mostly has to take care of her younger siblings. And inherently there is nothing wrong with that, just make the games an even harder game for the young frail girl whose bones are even more prominently seen in her training gear.

Latif comes out a minute later, he is also dressed in training gear, and it doesn't surpass Rohan how alike the boy looks like his sister last year. Of course, the man knows they are siblings and look alike. But in his eyes Rohan sees the fear but also determination that Thana had last year. It secretly gives the man hope that he too will come out of the games as victor, not only does he hope that for himself, but mostly for Thana. He knows how much it would break her if Latif would lose.

"Good morning," Thana says with a smile, "I hope you two have slept well." She found it hard to keep focus on Celie when all she wanted to do was give Latif her undivided attention. But they all agreed even though they would be mentored alone, they both would be mentored by them both.

"'Morning," the sleepy voice of Latif reminds Thana of everyday life before her games where they would wake up together and go to work together. How she misses the simple things in life everything she is reminded that they once existed.

"We want you to try out everything," Rohan says to the two as they are ready to go training, "don't forget survival skills, don't forget weapons that might seem irrelevant. Okay?"

Both Latif and Celie nod their head and step into the elevator, but not without Latif locking eyes with his sister, the one who stands on the other side of the line that he can only pray to cross.

"We have faith in you," Thana smiles sadly at the two as the elevator doors close and bites back tears.

"Are you okay?" Rohan asks once the elevator has started to descend, he turns towards Thana and sees the tears stream down her face. "Hey, I am here for you." The man takes the girl into his arms and hung her close to himself. "I know this is hard, but I promise you that I will be here right next to you through it all."

Thana just clings herself onto Rohan, "It—It is all..." her sobs echo through the whole floor, "so—so unfair." She wipes her nose with the back of her hand.

"I know darling," Rohan tries to soothe the girl with slowly going through her hair with his hands, "sadly we can't change it," it makes Thana cry even harder, "but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to express your feelings. Because you are, just not to the Capitol."

"I want my mother," Thana whispers.

"I understand it," Rohan looks up, "why don't we fresh up and get ready to meet the other victors. You can hang out with Johanna, Finnick or Mags."

"I would like Mags right now," Thana hugs Rohan even closer to herself.

"Shall I call her to come up right now?" Rohan looks Thana into her eyes and the girl nods.

A few minutes later the elevator pings and Mags walks in, she smiles sadly at the young woman who is still in Rohan's embrace, but now on the sofa. Rohan straightens his back once he sees one of the kindest people in the world ever.

"You came," Rohan smiles at the woman who nods her head softly at the man.

Mags takes Thana over from Rohan and users him away. Thana melts in Mags's embrace, it feels so motherly. Thana closes her eyes and let's herself be lulled to sleep by Mags.

"Is she okay?" Finnick asks once Rohan and him enter the room with the other victors.

"Who?" Johanna buts in who has Cecelia from district 8 on her heels.

"Where is Mags?" Cecelia asks the two.

"Where is Thana?" Johanna says a second later.

"How is she doing with her brother in the games?" Woof says as he stands besides his fellow victor of district 8, Woof didn't come alone. With him came Haymitch who looks as drunk as always here in the Capitol. "She was already very off after Jack who she didn't even know that long."

"Thana is sleeping, and Mags is with her," Finnick says as he saw them when he wanted to take Mags with him but instead was greeted by the sight and decided to accompany Rohan.

"Seeing as today isn't really important for us," Rohan says, "she and Mags will come after lunch."

"But how is she doing?" Johanna sounds greatly concerned as she even plays with her hair.

"Not very well," Rohan says, "and it doesn't help that this is the year after her own games."

"God," Johanna sounds angry, "Latif doesn't deserve this, Thana doesn't the whole family doesn't."

"I completely agree with you Johanna," Rohan says and pats the girl's shoulders.

"Yeah," Haymitch slurs, "I actually liked her after first meeting her, which to be honest I didn't when I met you, oops."

"Don't worry," Woof laughs, "we also needed to warm up to you."

"I know I am a great pleasure to be around," Haymitch says which gives him a snort from Cecelia and Johanna.

"You sure are," Cecelia rolls her eyes, "What do you think about your tributes this year?"

"Oh, they are rather blowable," Haymitch leans on Rohan.

"Blowable, my friend what is going in on in your head?" Rohan laughs at him.

"You guys don't use a word for how easy you know it will be to blow a person away?" Haymitch looks dead serious at the victors around him.

"No!" Cecelia says, "you say throwable, how easy it is to throw another away."

"I agree with Cecelia here," Finnick says, "but I better go talk to districts 1 and 2."

"Have fun with Enobaria," Johanna shouts at him as he retreats from them.

nora speaking here!
Sorry for the late update guys, but here is is <3

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