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scores and talkes

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AFTER THE TRAININGDAYS are over, Thana notices that Celie doesn't have an alliance with anybody, and that Latif has formed one with the girl from district 8. The last days have gone a little better for Thana though, she was present with the other victors for every step they must take. And the girl has especially grown closer to Cecelia, they agreed to overview the allyship between their tributes. But still, every morning is hard, every step, every minute closer to these games are harder and make the young victor anxious. There has been no real rest from the games for her since last year, and sadly she does know there never will be a break for her every again. It makes her realise time and time again how lucky she is with Rohan; she wouldn't be able to function without him.

But right now, at the moment all the tributes are showing their skills to the game makers. It just showcases how fast time goes. Tomorrow already there will be the famous tribute interviews where Thana and Rohan will prepare Latif and Celie for. In Thana's opinion the score they get is way less relevant than the interview, the place where you can almost buy the capitol citizens to root for you during the games, it is sickening.

 In Thana's opinion the score they get is way less relevant than the interview, the place where you can almost buy the capitol citizens to root for you during the games, it is sickening

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"Are you guys ready for the scores?" Rohan asks Celie and Latif as the whole team of district 9 sits before the television waiting for Caesar to announce the scores. For the first time in days, Thana has allowed herself to be close to her brother, she does feel so guilty about everything. Latif completely accepts it and pulls her close to him even, there is tension but most of all love. Every now and then Celie stares at them in jealously, of course she thinks that Thana and Rohan only work for Latif. But they really don't, Celie gets just as much help. They wouldn't dare send her in unprepared and unprotected, that would simply be traumatizing.

"You did wonderful Celie," Thana smiles at the girl once it is announced that she got a 6, "it is a great score to have gotten."

"I agree with Thana," Rohan pats Celie's shoulder, "you should be proud of it."

"Thank you," the young girl perks up and smiles brightly as the other congratulate her as well.

"And now to Latif Jardin," Caesar pauses for a second, "with a score of 4."

"You did great little brother," Thana smiles as the rest congratulates her brother with the rather unexpected score. It is quite low if you think about it, Latif has worked many, many hours on the fields in their district and could surely if he wanted to, showcase a lot.

"Thank sis," Latif sounds as if he is done with everything, Thana squeezes his shoulder softly and gives him a sad smile.

"Well, I am off to bed," Thana smiles and wishes them goodnight, "tomorrow morning we start early with preparing you two for the interviews, be ready."


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Just as Thana is about to lay down in her bed she hears a soft knock, "come in," Thana answers, thinking it will be Rohan checking up on her or something like that, he does that a lot lately and is reminds herself of when she was watching out of the windows last year.

"Thana," a soft male voice makes Thana look up and wipe away her tears as she looks straight into her brother's eyes, "can we talk?" it sounds ominous.

"Of course," Thana pats on the bed, "Latif, we can always talk, okay?"

"How did you do it all?" Latif asks, "How did you get a high score, convince them in the interviews and win the games?"

"Lati," Thana smiles softly and closes her eyes for a brief second, "you can't win the games."

"How do I survive them than?" Latif sounds desperate and Thana immediately feels guilty.

"I can only tell you what I did, okay?" Thana looks him straight in the eyes, "in no way is this the right and or only answer."

"Okay..." it is silent for some times, "do you think I even make a chance?"

"Woah, calm down," Thana says touching his right upper leg softly, "of course I believe you make a chance, one of the highest in my opinion." Thana moves some hair out of his face, "and Rohan thinks so to. Your score doesn't determine anything, look at Johanna for example."

"He does?" Latif asks and he feels a little better with that.

"Yeah," Thana smiles, "apparently you showcase the same determination and courage as I did right after I was reaped and during every stage here."

"I do?"

"If I must believe Rohan, yeah." Thana smiles at him, "he says we are alike."

"I am not like you," Latif almost screams out, "I don't know how to do this." His voice breaks and tears stream down his face.

"You don't have to know how to do this," Thana hugs her brother close to herself, "nobody knows how to do it, once you are in there... you simply do it. That is how I did it." She takes a deep breath, "once I was in there a primal survival instinct came up and I knew no matter what that I needed to survive, of course I also wanted Jack to survive," Thana looks behind her brother and it is as if she sees Jack. "You saw how he froze, and I killed his district partner, in that moment you only think about being murdered or murdering others yourself. The games take a part of you, and you have no choice in it if you want to survive. No one is the same after the games, everyone has their own trauma's. But we continued then, and we continue now." She looks Latif in his eyes, "so my brother, my partner in crimes, there is no way you know how to do this now. I didn't either when I was in this moment you are right now. But do know that Rohan and I will do everything in our power to get you out of there alive."

Not long after that, Latif falls asleep in his sister's arms. Thana smiles sadly at the boy and covers him with the blanket before also letting sleep taking her, completely cuddled up against her dear little brother.

Nora speaking here!
Finally a wholesome moment between the siblings :)
Sorry for the long wait btw, I'll try to update the next chapter in a week or less.

And thank you for reading my story, it means the world to me

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