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"God, I am just so tired of people thinking we are still bad even though we went to prison and took ownership for our actions." Shark was saying to the crew.

"I agree Hermano, but what can we do about it?" Piranha asks.

"Kill everyone?" Snake asks.

Everyone looks at Snake with concerned expressions on their faces.

"What? I'm only joking."

"Okay... anyway, we need to come up with something. Otherwise people are just gonna keep making our lives a living hell." Tarantula AKA Webs chimes in.

"Ci chica! That's the spirit! But what exactly ARE we gonna do anyway?" Piranha asks.

"Man, I don't know... things just seem to never be getting better. People just keep tormenting us even though we are trying to move on with our lives..." Shark says glumly.

"Yeah, Shark's right. We can't keep going on like this." Webs said.

"Okay, well, anyone have any ideas? There's gotta be SOMETHING we can do." Snake says.

Everyone looks at Wolf, whose been silent up to this point.

"Buddy, are you okay?" Snake asks with genuine concern.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. It's just, you guys are right. And it's got be thinking. I might have a plan to make things better for us!" Wolf explains in an almost chippy tone., contrary to his almost depressing silence just mere seconds ago.

"Ay, whatchu got for us Hermano?" Piranha asks.

"Heh. It's a secret." Wolf chuckles.

"Huh? What gives?" Snake asks.

"Yeah Wolfie, I think we should know what you are up to." Webs adds.

"Sorry guys, I think it's better if you don't know. But please just try and trust me okay? I have a real good feeling about this." Wolf says with an almost guilty tone at not really being able to tell his friends.

"Man haven't you learned anything from last year? You shouldn't keep secrets from us!" Snake says in a near pissed-off tone.

"Woah woah, calm down there Snakey! This is nothing like that time, I promise!" Wolf defends.

"Well... alright. But whatever you have planned it better be good." Snake grumpily retorts.

"I trust Wolf guys. I think you all should to." Shark says.

"Thank you Shark. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I should get going. Wish me luck!" Wolf says as he walks towards the elevator door.

"Oh! Uh, good luck!" The remaining 4 members of the gang say in unison.

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