Some more breaking news

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As Wolf, Snake, and Diane are watching TV together, there's another breaking news report. However, this time, it's about a little girl whose gone missing.

"What's up? Tiffany Fluffit here. Today we have a very sad report about a missing 8 year old orphan girl named 'Hinata Hyuga'. She was last seen 2 days ago at a local grocery store. Please, if anyone has seen her or knows where she is, contact the authorities as soon as possible."

"Oh dear... how awful!" Diane says.

"Yeah... I wonder where the parents are?" Snake ponders.

"Uh... Snakey. She's an orphan, remember?" Wolf says with a slight smirk at his best friends silliness.

"Oh. Right. My bad." Snake says.

"Hey, I have an idea. Maybe we can get Shark, Piranha and Webs to come back here to the hideout so we can plan something to help this girl together!" Diane says.

"Oh... we'll I'm afraid that won't be possible at the moment." Wolf says.

"What? Why?" Diane asks.

"Well, you see, those three went down to Mexico for a vacation. Piranhas idea." Wolf answers.

"Oh... wait why didn't you two go?" Diane points out.

"Easy. I didn't want to go." Snake remarks in a tough but also half joking tone, earning a chuckle from both Wolf and Diane.

"And I thought it would've been nice to come with them, but I don't think I could handle the heat down there. It's already bad enough here in L.A." Wolf says.

"Yeah, I get that. One of our weaknesses as canines." Diane playfully says.

"Heh, yep." Wolf agrees.

"But anyway, back to that poor Hinata kid. I think we should try to find her." Diane says.

"Yeah but how?" Wolf asks.

"Well, I'm thinking that with my Governor recourses I can whip up some information no problem." Diane proudly says.

"Yeah. And me and Snakey can drive around and look for her as well. With my driving skills I should easily be able to whip around the city even this big in a sizeable amount of time!" Wolf says.

"Yeah, but remember not to speed!" Diane playfully scolds him.

"Heh, yeah yeah. I know." Wolf chuckles.

"I want to help find this little girl too, I really do. But what exactly am I gonna bring to the table?" Snake asks.

"An extra pair of eyes never hurts. Especially not in a search party." Wolf responds.

"Fair point." The serpent says.

"Okay, so we are all agreed then? I'll use my recourses while you guys search around the city?" Diane asks.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan!" Wolf says.

"Sure thing." Snake says.

And so operation "Find Hinata Hyuga" was in effect!

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