Yet another hospital visit

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Everyone is in a hospital room with 3 beds, one for Piranha, one for Snake, and another for Chief Luggins.

"Think they'll be alright doc?" Wolf asks.

"Oh, they should be just fine. Just give it some time and they'll all be as good as new! Although I have to say, in the chief's case, it's very lucky that the bullet missed any vital organs. Getting it out was a pain, but she'll live." The doctor says.

"That's a relief." Diane says.

"How long are they gonna be out for?" Shark asks.

"Oh, well it's hard to say. These three went through different forms of physical trauma, so they'll probably wake up at different times." The doctor says.

Suddenly, an officer walks into the room. "Hey guys, just came to inform you all that Hinata Hyuga and her husband Big Tuna have both been arrested and will be spending the next 15 years behind bars."

"Heh, good riddance." Webs says.

"Yeah, no kidding. Those two are like, way too freaky for me." Shark says.

"I know what you mean. The look in that woman's eyes was so creepy! And that fatass smelled worse than piranha's farts!" Wolf chuckles. Everyone laughs at this.

"I'm just happy it's all finally over." Diane sighs of relief.

"Yeah. Now we can live our lives the way we want to again, without having to worry about chubby psychopaths or women who disguise themselves as little girls..." Wolf says, as a shiver goes down his spine.

"You know this would be the perfect plot for a movie!" Webs says.

"Yeah, or at least a book." Shark says.

"True, but I doubt someone would ever write anything like this." Wolf says, as he looks at YOU the reader, with a wink and a smirk.


The End!

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