A looming threat

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When Wolf and Snake return back at the hideout with Hinata, she looks around in amazement.

"Wow! Look at all the cool stuff!" She exclaims in a very excited tone.

"Heh, yeah kid. This is all the stuff we've st- bought over the years." Snake corrected himself quickly.

"Y-yeah. Bought. Right." Wolf nervously chuckled. Wolf and Snake certainly were worried what an 8 year old girl would think about them being ex-thieves. They wanted her to feel safe, and they figured in order to accomplish that, it would be better if she simply didn't know about their criminal past.

"Well, kiddo. Want anything to drink or eat?" Wolf asks.

"Yes please! Whatever you have is fine!" She smiles.

"What a kind young lady." Snake compliments. Hinata just giggles.

"I'll make some eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice, m'kay?" Wolf asked both Snake and Hinata.

"Yeah, sounds good." Snake says.

"I'd love that!" Hinata says.

Wolf walks over to the kitchen and starts getting everything ready. However as he was about to start preparing the food, he gets a phone call. It was Diane.

"Hey Wolf. How's it going? Hinata enjoying herself?"

"Hey Diane. Yeah, she seems to be having a good time so far." He comments while looking at her and Snake watching TV together.

"That's good. I'm sorry for interrupting whatever it is you may have been doing but I'm afraid this is urgent and simply can't wait!" Diane sounds worried.

"Oh dear. What's going on?" Wolf asks.

"I can't tell you over the phone, can you meet me at my place?"

Wolf huffs, slightly annoyed. But he then realizes he should help out Diane.

"Uh, sure. I'm assuming you mean like right now right?" He asks.

"Yes. See you in a little while." Diane half-whispers, much to Wolf's confusion.

"See ya." Wolf hangs up.

He then turns to Snake and Hinata. "Hey guys, sorry but I'm gonna have to go meet with Diane. She needs uh... help with something. Hope you don't mind taking over for me Snakey."

Snake grunts. "Hmmm. Fine. But you owe me a million push pops." He snickers to himself.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get you your precious iced treats." Wolf chuckles.

"Good. See ya Wolf." Snake says.

"Bye Wolf!" Hinata calls out.

"See you guys! Be back as soon as I can!" Wolf then heads out to Diane's place.


Wolf reaches Diane's place and knocks on the door.

Diane hurries over as soon as she hears this and opens the door. "Oh Wolf, thank god you're here! I have some BIG news." She then grabs Wolf's arm and brings him to the secret little elevator that leads to her lair.

"Woah, what's going on Diane?" He asks in shock.

"I'm sorry Wolf but this is really urgent! I'm honestly pretty terrified right now!" Diane is freaking out.

"Just tell me. It's okay." Wolf cooes.

Diane takes a deep breath. "Well... that person at the orphanage that Hinata escaped from? When the Chief went to arrest them, the place was completely abandoned! There was no trace at all of anything! It seems like whoever is responsible for mistreating that poor girl knew that they were about to get in some serious trouble, so they packed their shit and got the hell out of there!"

Wolf is shocked. "What the hell? I have no idea what to make of any of this."

"I do. I've done some research Wolf, and it turns out, the orphanage that Chief went to NEVER EXISTED! And it couldn't be the wrong orphanage either since that was the place that Hinata said she was from. And... and..." Diane is breathing heavy.

"Woah Woah, Diane, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure something out." Wolf gently rubs her back.

"I hope you are right Wolf. I spoke with Chief about this and she's just as confused as we are! She has no idea what to make of this either."

"Well couldn't she have simply got the name wrong? I mean the poor girl was probably traumatized and couldn't remember. Fear can make you forget things." Wolf says.

"I thought that too. But then I remembered that there are no other orphanages around here apart from one on the outskirts of the city, so it got me thinking. What if Hinata... I can't believe I'm saying this. What if she's not who she says she is?" Diane is looking very worried.

"Woah, Diane! That's crazy talk! She's only 8!" Wolf is almost angry.

"How do we even know that? Maybe she has that rare condition where you look younger than you really are." Diane speculates.

"Ugh. Look Diane, I know you are scared but don't go around blaming children!" Wolf is officially pissed.

"I'm sorry Wolf! Please don't be mad at me... this whole thing is just so much to handle... I can't even think straight, it's all so confusing!" She starts to cry.

Wolf immediately feels bad for getting mad at her and yelling. "Diane... I'm- I'm sorry for getting worked up at you like that." He says softly.

"It's okay. I understand why you got upset, but please at least consider what I said okay? And please don't get mad at me again." She practically begged.

Wolf was conflicted. She didn't want to believe that a sweet and somewhat shy little girl named Hinata could actually be some con artist. But at the same time he had to consider all possibilities.

"I... I promise I won't get mad." Wolf says. But then he starts to worry.

"Wait a minute! If what you say is true... oh no. I left Snake alone with her..."

Diane gasps. "You'd better go and get him and bring him back here!"

"Right! See you in a little bit Diane!" Wolf says as he heads out to rescue Snake from the potential little con artist.


Meanwhile, across the street in a parked van, a familiar looking gang is watching all of this unfold.

"Yeah. That's right Wolf. Go rescue your precious Snake from my lovely 47 year old Wife Hinata Hyuga." It was Big Tuna!

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