The evil orphanage

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Wolf, Snake, and Hinata arrive at the police station. The canine parks his car on the side of the road since the parking lot is reserved for police vehicles only.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Wolf asks Snake and Hinata.

"Yeah, let's do this." Snake says.

"Okay, I'm ready." Hinata softly says.

The three make their way into the station. As they make their way to the front desk, Wolf and Snake end up getting a lot of weird looks.

"Uh... Wolf? People are staring." Snake points out.

"Heh, I expected as much. I'd imagine it must be weird for them to see former criminals in here." Wolf says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but... still. It's making me uncomfortable."

"Heyyy, it's okay Snakey. We just need to let them know that Hinata is safe, then we can be on our wa-" however, Wolf was interrupted by a shout.

"Hey! The Bad Guys kidnapped the girl!" One of the officers stated, while reaching for his taser.

"Oh no." Wolf says with wide eyes.

"Uh... wait! They didn't do anything to me I promise! They helped me!" Hinata quickly says.

"Y-yeah. That's right! We were just bringing her here!" Wolf nervously adds.

The cop then realizes how silly it would be for criminals to bring a victim into the station if they were the ones who did it.

"Heh. My apologies Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake." The officer says, while he then returns the taser back into holster.

"It's.... Fine. I get it." Wolf gulps. He understands their suspicions, but it's still terrifying to have a cop point a taser at you! The poor lupine is still sweating bricks.

"Man. That was a close one." Snake says, his eyes still bulging out of fear.

"Tell me about it." Wolf agrees.

Just then, Chief Luggins appears from another room.

"Well butter my crumpets, you guys actually did it?" She asks with shock.

"Heh, yeah. We rescued her. She was in an alleyway. Poor girl ran away from the orphanage because she was being mistreated." Wolf says.

"Yeah... it's awful there." Hinata adds sadly.

"Well, don't worry kiddo, you're in good hands now!" Chief Luggins says.

She smiles softly at this news.

"Shouldn't someone tell Diane to come meet us here?" Snake asks.

"Oh, right! I'll call her." Wolf says.


The 5 of them, Wolf, Snake, Diane, Luggins, and Hinata are together in a room at the station.

"Oh. I see. So it wasn't a kidnapping incident after all." Diane says after having heard the whole story from Wolf.

"Yeah, poor girl just needed to get away from it all." Wolf says with sympathy.

"I know what that's like." Snake adds.

"We all do to an extent." Diane says.

"Fair point." The serpent chuckles.

"So um... what's gonna happen next?" Hinata nervously asks.

"I reckon we ought to march straight down to that orphanage and give whoever treated her this way a stern talking to, and then arrest them!" Chief Luggins exclaims.

"I concur. Hey would you look at that, we agreed on something Chief!" Wolf jokes.

Luggins couldn't help but laugh at that. "You know Wolf, I can't believe I'm saying this but... I might have misjudged you and your friends just a liiiiiitle bit." She emphasizes the little bit part by squeezing her fingers together.

Wolf and Snake are both surprised by this, however Diane is simply proud.

"Who are you and what have you done to the Chief?" Wolf asks.

Luggins laughs again. "Oh. My. God. I can't believe I never realized how funny you were Wolf!"

"Maybe it's because you were so blinded by hatred?" Diane suggested.

"Yeah, probably." Chief agreed.

"I take it you don't hate us anymore then?" Snake asks.

"Nope! In fact I might even like you guys!" Luggins smiles.

"Wow, talk about a change of heart." Wolf says.

"What can I say? I've had a lot of time to self reflect while you guys did time in prison." Luggins casually adds.

"That's good to hear." The canine says with a smirk on his face.

"Uh, hate to interrupt such a sentimental revolution but can we get back to the task at hand?" Diane asks.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Chief says.

"So are you gonna go arrest whoever did this to her at that orphanage?" Snake asks.

"Darn right I am! Well... provided Diane gives me the permission." Luggins looks at Diane.

"Oh, by all means. Do whatever you deem is necessary." Diane says.

"That's what I like to hear!" The Chief laughs.

"Um... where am I going to stay? I have no where to go." Hinata asks sadly.

Wolf looks at Snake, and Snake nods with a slight smile on his face.

"Well you know, you could always stay with us! If you want to that is." Wolf says.

"Really? Can I?" Hinata asks in an excited tone.

"Hmmm... I suppose so. I don't see why not!" Diane approves.

"Well as long as you don't teach her illegal stuff!" Chief Luggins jokes.

"Chief!" Wolf, Snake, and Diane say in a cartoonish manner.

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