Secret plan

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Wolf was walking down the street, still feeling a little guilty about not telling his friends about his plan to do heroic acts. He was just too afraid of them judging him. A feeling he remembers all too well. But he knows that even if it goes wrong like last time, the end result won't be nearly as bad, which brings him a tiny bit of comfort.

As Wolf just aimlessly wanders the streets of Los Angeles, he is just waiting for something bad to happen so he can save the day. However a group of sketchy looking thugs start snickering and walking his way.

Wolf starts to feel a little nervous and begins to back away, but then he bumps into another thug. The biggest one of the group.

"Hey, watch where your going mutt!" Big tuna, the leader of the gang says.

The other members of the gang laugh at this.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I was just-"

"Did I say you could speak dog? I'm talking here!" Big tuna booms out with anger.

Wolf is now batshit terrified and he can hardly move because he's that scared.

"Aww, what's wrong? Looks like the little puppy is gonna wet himself!" A random gang member mockingly says, causing the other members to laugh, including the leader.

"Haha, good one Chuck! But anyway, back to what I was gonna say. You know, you shouldn't be in this part of town. In fact, why are you even still in LA? I thought you guys would finally stop plaguing our city with your filth after you 5 went to prison." Big Tuna says.

"What... what makes you any better?" Wolf boldly asks.

"Heh, lucky for you I happen to admire someone with guts! Too bad I have to rip them out..." Big tuna says with an evil grin.

"What!?? No, please! I'll do anything!" Wolf begs with pleading eyes and shaky legs.

"Awww, I almost pity you. Well for starters, to answer your question on why we are better than you, it's because at least we aren't filthy predators like you. Secondly, there's nothing you can say or do that will convince me not to kill you. I've hated you and your gang ever since you got infamous on the news. I've never been scared of you guys. In fact, I've fantasized about this very moment. This is perfect, out of you all, you happen to be the one I hate the most, because you are the leader of that wretched sorry excuse for a gang!" Big Tuna says.

This angers Wolf, but sadly not enough to overpower his fear. So all he can do is stay frozen in place and panic while he awaits his untimely fate.

"Alright boys, have at him!" Big tuna snaps his fingers.

The gang members all laugh wickedly as they close in on the panicking lupine, and they begin to beat him to death.

"Ah! Oh god! No, please stop! Ow!" Wolf whines.

But that just riles the gang up even more.

"I already told you, it won't matter what you say or do. You're dead meat Wolf!"

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