Checking up

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"Are you sure you are doing okay buddy?" Shark asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine, thanks." Wolf says but in a slightly weaker tone than normal.

"Ya really had us scared Wolfie!" Webs says.

"Yeah Hermano, we don't know what we'd do without you in our lives!" Piranha adds.

"Heh, I appreciate that guys, but I'm okay. I promise. It does hurt quite a bit though." Wolf groans.

"Anything we can do to help?" Webs asks.

"Hmmm... you could get the doctor. Heh." Wolf says.

"Oh, sure. Anyone wanna help bring me to a doctor?" Webs asked.

"I'll do it." Shark volunteers.

And so, Shark and Webs go and get a doctor for Wolf.

"Hermano, do you want me to get you a glass of water or something?" Piranha asks with genuine concern.

"No thanks buddy, I'm okay." Wolf says.

"Man... if I ever get my tail on those guys who did this to you... they'll wish they've never been born! I'll poison them! I'll strangle them! I'll... I'll..." Snake is getting riled up.

"Hey, Snakey, don't worry. Chief Luggins already told me that those thugs will get what's coming to them." Wolf reassures.

"Huh? When did you talk to the Chief?" Snake asks with a raised brow.

"Uh... I think we should talk about that later, you know. So Webs and Shark can listen." Wolf says.

"Alright then. As long as you tell us the truth." Snake huffs.

"Of course Snakey! Nothing but the truth for my favourite crew in the whole world! You know... apart from that time..." Wolf says with a sad look.

"Wolf... it's okay. I already forgave you for that remember?" Snakes tone has softened up.

Wolf just smiles.

"Oi, chicos! Shark and Webs are back! And they have the doctor as well!" Piranha chips in.

"Yes, doctor. He says he's feeling some pain." Shark says.

"Is there anything you can do?" Webs asks.

"Of course! I can just give him some pain killers." The doctor says as he walks over to the cabinet and gets a bottle of the meds.

Then, he makes his way back towards Wolf.

"Alright, now. Remember to only take 2 of these a day at the most. And no mixing it with alcoholic beverages either. It's important you remember these two things for your own health and safety." The doctor clarifies.

"Alright. Thanks, doc. When will I be able to get out of here?" Wolf asks.

"Well, I'd like to keep you here for at least the night and then see how you are doing tomorrow." The doctor says.

"Alright. Sounds good." Wolf says as he takes a painkiller.

"Alright well, I'll leave you guys to it. Remember though, visiting hours end in about 20 minutes!" The doctor says as he makes his way down the hall to presumably consult another patient.

"Alright guys. There's something I should tell you. Gather around." Wolf says.

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