The Rescue

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Diane is busy working away in her office, looking through various files of multiple known kidnappers, in order to hopefully pin point the culprit. As she's doing this, she is also doing intense research on her laptop, like which orphanage Hinata was from, and who was responsible for watching her.

After a few long hours of working away on the case, a knock is heard on her door.

"Come in." She says softly. The door opens to reveal Chief Luggins.

"Hey Governor, hope I'm not interrupting you." She says as she walks closer to the work desk.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm just working away at this missing girl case. So sad, I wish I could help her as fast as possible but sadly this is a much slower process than I imagined." Diane says sadly.

"Well, perhaps I can be of assistance?" Luggins boasted.

"Oh, that would be lovely, Chief. I could use another driver to scout around the city looking for her, if you don't mind."

"Oh, I'll be happy to- wait. Another driver? What do you mean?" She looks at the vixen governor with a raised brow.

"Oh, yeah! I already asked Mr. Wolf and his best pal Mr. Snake to help with this case as well. They are currently driving around the city as we speak." Diane says casually.

"Huh? Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean... for one thing Wolf just got out of the hospital..." Chief was actually genuinely concerned for him, although she'd never admit it.

"Oh, Wolf's a fast healer. No need to worry about him. Besides he has Snake with him too."

"Oh right, that danger noodle." Chief joked, earning a chuckle from Diane.

"Now now chief, I promise you they are good people if you got to know them! I understand you guys had quite a rivalry in the past but, they really are softies." Diane assures.

"You know, I'm starting to see that actually. I never thought I'd admit it but... I guess those little troublemakers aren't so bad after all." Luggins really wanted to turn a new leaf. After all, even she herself knew how over the top she was.

"I'm glad to see you've finally realized the truth!" Diane says.

"Yeah, but... I know it's silly but... a part of me still thinks that what if they do something illegal again? I know I know, I shouldn't assume things. But I just... it's hard to just pretend nothing ever happened between us." She says looking a little ashamed at accusing them of being up to no good.

"I totally get it Chief, I didn't even trust them either at first, until I had a little chat with Wolf. You know, don't tell him I told you, but he really loves a scratch behind his ear and being called a good boy!" Diane chuckles.

Chief just laughs this off. "Well that does make sense, he is a canine after all! As are you." She adds with a mischievous smirk.

"Now don't get any ideas, I don't get riled up like him!" She scoffs.

"I'm sure you don't. You good girl you." Luggins jokes.

However, this does nothing. "Heh, see, told ya so." Diane playfully retorts.

Chief decides to let it go. She then realizes something.

"Hey, wait a minute. What about the other three members of their gang? How come they aren't with Wolf & Snake?"

"Oh, Piranha had this idea to go to Mexico for a little vacation, so Shark and Webs went with him. Snake didn't feel like going, and Wolf, well, he can't really handle the heat very well. He says it's bad enough here in L.A. Which I totally agree with." She chuckles.

"Ah, that makes sense. Well, I'll leave you too it, ma'am. Good luck!" Chief says as she walks away.

"Thank you, Chief."


Meanwhile, Wolf is driving around the city as per plan, desperately searching for any sign of the little girl.

"Hey, Wolf, how long do you think this rescue will take?" The grouchy serpent asked.

"I don't know Snakey, but we have to do everything we can to help out. I can't allow some poor child to remain lost and scared! Sure the police are doing everything they can but there's only so much they can do. Besides, imagine how many people would trust us if they knew us as the ones who rescued a lost child?" The lupine added with a wink.

"Heh, good point Wolf. But you know, we really don't have to worry anymore because I just so happen to see who we are looking for." Snake says while pointing towards the little girl, who is curled up in a ball in an alley a few meters away.

"Oh, how convenient." Wolf jokes.

He parks the car on the side of the road, and he and Snake exit the vehicle to make their way towards the alley.

But just then. Wolf froze.

The serpent notices this. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

Wolf is trembling. "That's the... the same alley that- t-that I got attacked in..."

Snake feels sorry for his best friend. "Hey, it's okay pal. I'm here for ya! Ain't nothin' gonna happen long as I'm by your side, I promise. I'll strangle whoever I have to in order to keep you safe."

Wolf chuckles lightly. "Heh, thanks Snakey. Now let's go rescue that girl!"

The partners in crime (or formerly) make there way to the girl in the alley. It certainly matches the description, she has dark blue hair, sort of in the shape of a bowl cut, as well as pale white eyes.

Wolf spoke. "Hello? Are you Hinata Hyuga? It's okay, no need to be afraid, we are here to help you."

Hinata lifted her head slowly. "Y-yeah. I'm Hinata. Who- who are you?"

"Names Wolf, and here's my best bud Snake." He gestures to the serpent.

"Sup." Snake says casually.

"Are- are you here to rescue me?" She asks shyly.

"We sure are kiddo! No need to worry, we'll get you back to that orphanage right away!" Wolf says.

The girl then had a scared look on her face. "Wait no, please don't do that! I don't want to go back there! It's awful I tell you! That's why I ran away! I couldn't take it there anymore." Hinata starts shaking.

Wolf is taken aback. Snake has a look of shock on his face.

"Hey, it's alright, don't worry we won't take you back. But we do need to get you to a police station at least." Wolf says softly.

"O-okay." She says while twirling her fingers.

"Is it okay if I pick you up?" Wolf asks.

"Oh, uh. Sure, but please be gentle." She asks him.

"Of course." He then gently picks up the little girl and carried her over to the back seat of his beloved black sports car.

"Buckle up kiddo! We're off to the police station!" Wolf offers a sly smile.

The girl couldn't help but smile back.

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