The Bad Guys counterattack

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Shark charges at Big Tuna, hoping to swallow him whole with his big jaws. However, Big Tuna is ready for this, and dodges out of the way.

"You're gonna have to be faster than that big guy!" Big Tuna laughs.

"Don't forget about me!" Diane yells, as she lands a punch right in his face.

"Owww... you hit hard. For a girl..." Big Tuna taunts.

"What was that!?" Diane growls. She's about to attack again, but is held back by Shark.

"Hey, what gives Shark?" Diane asks.

"Don't worry about him. You leave this clown to me! Go back up the others!" Shark declares.

Diane is hesitant. "Are you sure you can handle him by yourself?"

"Oh yeah, this guy doesn't know who he's dealing with." Shark grins.

"Well okay, I'll leave it up to you! Thanks Shark!" Diane calls out as she's running the same direction Piranha went.

"That was a mistake you know. You're doing to regret sending her away." Big Tuna chuckles.

"Can it. This is between you, and me. Now, are we gonna keep chit chatting or are we gonna fight?" Shark scoffs.

"You asked for it." Big Tuna says as he charges at Shark.


Meanwhile, Piranha is making his way to the bathroom when he hears the elevator. He turns around to see that it's Big Tuna's gang members!

"Oh, looks like we're having fish for dinner." One of the members chuckles.

"Nice, I've been craving it for a while." Another laughs.

"Ha! You just not know who I am puto! I happen to be the muscle of my team!" Piranha gets in a stance, ready to fight.

"Oh, we're well aware of your fighting skills, that's why we brought... these." A gang member pulls out... a taser, as the rest do the same.

"Hahaha, you're only riling me up more pendejo!" Piranha jumps into action, ready to beat the crap out of whoever messes with him.

He manages to get a few good hits in on some of the gang members, but one of them manages to shock him with the taser, knocking him out cold.

"Hahahaha! That stupid fish didn't know who he was dealing with!" A gang member laughs, as they others join in on the laughter.

"And apparently you don't know who you're messing with either!" It's Diane! She's come from the elevator and is ready to fight.

"Governor Foxington? What the fuck are you doing here?" One of the gang member's asks, shock eminent on his face.

"Oh, I couldn't let you boys have all the fun, now could I?" She taunts, as she then proceeds to beat the ever living shit out of them, in a similar fashion to how she fought off the guards at S.U.C.M. Island prison.

"Heh, tasers be damned." She laughs, but then notices Piranha.

"Piranha? Oh shit! Are you okay?" Diane hurries over and tries to wake him up, but the shock was so strong the poor fella's just completely out of it. However, much to the relief of Diane, she can notice his chest slowly rising and lowering, meaning he's still alive, at least.

"Phew... best stay here for now. No sense leaving you alone little guy." Diane cooes. She wants to help Wolf, Snake, and Chief Luggins, but she figures that she'd better make Hinata believe that she died for now, in order to use that misinformation against her later.

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