The truth

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"Okay guys. So. First of all, I need to tell you the reason I went out in the first place, and that idea I had to help people realize we aren't who we once were." Wolf begins.

They all look at Wolf with intrigued expressions.

"Alright, well, you see guys... the reason I went out was so I could... purposely wait for something bad to happen and then jump in to save whoever needs saving so I look like a hero." Wolf sighs, nervous of how his friends will react.

The other Bad Guys just look at each other, then burst out laughing.

"Oh, Wolf! That's hysterical!" Snake says while wiping a tear from his eye with his tail from laughing so hard.

"I'm serious guys! It was the best idea I could come up with!" Wolf defends.

"No no, it's not that Hermano. We believe you. It's just..." Piranha snickers.

"Just what?" Wolf asks.

"The fact that you thought we'd be mad at you for that! Like, that's actually a really good idea!" Webs says.

"Wait, really?" Wolf asks, shocked about their reactions.

"Yeah man! Playing the role of the good guy to escape the bad guy stereotypes! It's genius!" Shark says.

"I... uh. Thanks?" Wolf says, absolutely flabbergasted.

The gang just laughs this off again.

After a little while of settling down and idle chit chat, Snake asks, "Alright, now. What about that other thing you were gonna tell us?" Snake asks, to the confusion of Shark and Webs.

"Oh. Uh, right. Okay, well. You're never going to believe who saved me from getting beat to death back in that alley..." Wolf says.

He then leans forward a bit for suspense. "It was Chief Luggins."

And just like that, the cats out of the bag. Or rather, wolf.

"WHAT!?" The other 4 Bad Guys exclaim with sheer surprise.

"It's true! If it wasn't for her, I'd be dead meat! But she saved me from those goons!" Wolf says.

"Well hot damn. Talk about the unexpected." Webs says.

"Yeah, no kidding." Snake says.

"That's crazy Chico!" Piranha says.

"Have you been drinking out of the toilet again?" Shark asks.

"No! Ugh. Guys! Please just believe me okay? I swear on my life!" Wolf practically begs.

"Okay okay, we believe you. Relax." Snake says in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, we were only messing with you man!" Shark says.

"I guess Luggins has a soft side after all." Webs jokes.

The gang, including Wolf, all laugh at this.

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