The unexpected saviour

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The gang keeps on mercilessly beating Wolf to a pulp.

"Yeah! This will teach those pathetic Bad Guys whose the best in the city!" Big Tuna says, as the rest of the gang all laugh in agreement.

Wolf at this point, is near death. He looks as if a truck might as well had hit him and then reversed to hit him again.

However, just in the nick of time, gunshots can be heard.

"Oh shit-" One of the gang members says.

"Ah crap! We'd better bounce guys! You got lucky this time dog! But if we ever see you again we'll be ready!" Big Tuna says before he and his gang high tail it out of there.

In Wolf's POV, he is in a lot of pain, and his eyes are barely kept open. He can hardly breathe, and his heart is pounding heavily in his chest.

"Oh my God... Wolf? Can you hear me?" A familiar yet distant voice can be heard.

Wolf can hear them, but just barely. Their voice is muffled from all the blood in his ears. He's about to pass out, but just before he can, he sees a silhouette of what appears to be...

"Chief... Luggins?" Wolf weakly sputters out.

And just like that, Wolf passes out.

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