Hinata's attack

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Meanwhile at the hideout, Snake and Hinata are eating eggs and bacon and drinking orange juice while watching TV.

Hinata looks over at Snake with a malicious grin on her face. Then she quickly goes back to the sweet innocent little girl look.

"Snake? May I have a nice warm bath? I haven't had one of those in a long time."

"Hmm? Oh. Sure. Do you need help setting it up?" The serpent asks.

"Yes please." She fake-shyly says.

"Alright. Follow me kiddo." Snake slithers towards the bathroom with Hinata right behind him.

Once inside, Snake turns on the hot and cold water in order to make a nice lukewarm temperature for the 'kid'.

"Is that okay?" Snake asks, as Hinata dips her hand into the tub.

"Yes that will be fine. Thank you Snake." She fake-smiles.

"No problem. Just holler if you need anything." However, before Snake can leave, Hinata quickly pushes him down and into the water using her real strength. Despite having the appearance of a little girl, she's actually a very strong 47 year old woman.

Hinata laughs maliciously as she pushes Snake down, his muffled screams drowning out. Get it?

"I'm not who you think I am, you sorry excuse for a creature." Hinata says in her real voice.

Despite being underwater, Snake was able to hear what she said. He thought to himself, "What the fuck? This is what we get for thinking we were doing a good deed in taking in a little child..."

"I'm sorry to say but you and your friends must all die! Your little doggie buddy is next!" Hinata laughs. She then decides to let Snake get some air to prolong his suffering.

Snake gasps for air. "No... not Wolf... fine. Finish me off. But please leave him out of this"Snake begged.

Hinata chuckles. "Oh please. You really think I'd show mercy? I'm evil you dimwit! Pleading will do nothing!"

As Hinata is about to put Snake under the water again, Wolf shows up at just the right time.

"Not so fast!" He yells, running over and kicking Hinata off of Snake.

"Wolf!" Snake says happily.

Wolf grins. "Don't worry Snakey, she's not getting a single hand on you anymore."

Hinata is slightly taken aback, but then gets into yet another fit of laughter. "Oh please. What makes you think you can stop me, huh? Filthy mutt!"

Wolf laughs. "Oh ho ho. Your gonna regret calling me that." He lunges at Hinata with his teeth and claws at the ready, but Hinata swiftly evades him and then hits him with her palm right on the arm. "Gentle fist!" She yells.

Wolf is flabbergasted. "What?" He toppled over, but quickly gets back up ready to fight some more, however he realizes that he can no longer move his arm.

"Huh? What the hell?" Wolf is utterly confused.

"What's wrong buddy?" Snake asks with concern.

"I can't move my arm!" He's looking at it with wide eyes.

Hinata laughs. "That's because I disrupted your chakra flow." She explains.

"What the hells a chakra flow?" Snake asks.

"Wait... isn't that some sort of spiritual energy type thing? I've heard of it. I just didn't know if it was real or that everyone had it..." Wold says.

"Oh, it's real alright. And every living force on this earth has it. But if you can master certain techniques, you can use that to your advantage. As I've just so demonstrated!" Hinata booms with laughter.

"Sheesh what's with this chick and laughing?" Snake asks with a raised brow.

"Why shouldn't I laugh? After all you two are utterly screwed!" She says with an arrogant smirk.

Wolf then leans down with his kneecaps on the floor, his good hand clasping onto his bad arm, with a sad look on his face. "Why?" He weakly asks.

"Why what?" Hinata scoffs.

"After everything... I took you into my home... offered to feed you... I could've just left you outside!" Wolf yelled.

"Oh don't give me that sentimental crap. This was always part of my plan okay? I just needed the perfect victims. And what better than the former Bad Guys?" She... you guessed it. Laughs.

"Plan? What plan?" Wolf asks.

"The plan to slowly take over the world with my powers! Soon I will destroy everyone's chakra networks and make them all bow down to me!" Hinata is still laughing.

Wolf then chuckles. "How old are you anyway? And what the hell was the orphanage thing all about?"

"I'm 47 if you must know. And the orphanage thing was just part of my ploy to trick you fools into taking me in. Clever isn't it?" Hinata asks.

"I mean... I suppose so... doesn't mean I like it though." Wolf can't help but laugh a bit.

"Yeah, no kidding. This chick's got a screw loose or something..." Snake half-jokes.

"Damn right I do! Oh and by the way, just to spice things up even more, I forgot to tell you one very important detail." Hinata begins.

Wolf and Snake exchange confused glances.

"That gang that attacked you? That was all my idea. Why do you think I was in that alley? It wasn't mere coincidence. I was there on purpose just to mess with you!" She points at Wolf and breaks down laughing... again. Ugh.

"Why you little..." Snake hisses.

Wolf is just too shocked to speak.

"Awwww. What's the matter? Did little doggy woggy not likey my story?" Hinata taunts.

But just then... Wolf growls. "You little rosey-cheeked sorry excuse for a haircut bitch!" His eyes are burning red with rage. Very similar to how he looked when he wanted to attack Marmalade.

"Ooooh, looks like the dog wants to play." Hinata charges at Wolf while Wolf charges at Hinata.

"No wolf! She's baiting you!" Snake tries to warn. But it's too late. Hinata has already cut off all of Wolf's chakra, rendering him completely paralyzed.

"Noooooo! Wolf!" Snake is on the verge of tears.

"Hahahahahaha! Sorry excuse for a wolf you turned out to be. What a pathetic weakling." She fake pouts right in front of Wolf, taunting him while all he can do is watch.

However, Snake has snuck up on Hinata. "You little brat! You're gonna pay for all of this!" Snake wraps around Hinata, getting ready to strangle her.

But sadly for Snake, she was ready for that. "Protective 8 trigrams 64 palm!" She yells, as a wave of chakra flashes around her, pushing Snake right off her and slamming into the wall towards the door.

Hinata slowly makes her way towards Snake, getting ready to finish him off.

Wolf is horrified seeing this, but he can't do anything to help since he's paralyzed.

"Please..." Wolf thought. "Won't anyone save us?"

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