The next day...

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While Wolf was released from the hospital with a few instructions to keep in mind (like when to take medication and also just to take it easy for the next week or so) he was in his room at the hideout resting in bed, watching the news on TV.

"What's up? Tiffany Fluffit here. Sad to say, but there appears to be a rise in crime lately. Even with The Bad Guys being reformed, there's just still too many criminals up to heinous acts. In fact, here's a shocking development. Mr. Wolf, the former leader of The Bad Guys, was recently a victim of a very vicious gang attack. He was almost killed, however Chief Luggins came in the nick of time and saved him! Talk about a change in heart!" Tiffany said with a slight chuckle.

"What the hell?" Wolf says, flabbergasted that the alleyway incident had ended up on the news.

Tiffany then continues to ramble on about random events that happened throughout the day, then eventually says: "Well, that's about it for today. Tiffany Fluffit, signing off!"

Wolf turns off the TV, still in shock at what just happened.

He walks into the main room to see Snake coiled up on the couch watching the cooking channel.

"Hey Snakey, did you see the news recently?" Wolf asks.

Snake turns his head to wolf. "Nah, why?"

"That gang assault that landed me in the hospital... it was on the news for some reason."

Snake is taken aback by this. "What?"

"I know, it's pretty messed up isn't it? Why would that even be on the news?" Wolf asks.

"Well, I mean it IS pretty news worthy. The former leader of the most well known gang in LA gets beat up by another gang? Pretty crazy stuff man." Snake says with a 'shrug'.

"I know, but it still doesn't explain HOW it even ended up on the news in the first place..."

Snake chuckles. "Isn't it obvious? Luggins must've told them."

Wolf is taken aback. "Well shit, I hope she didn't save me just for clout... that would be messed up."

"Don't worry about it buddy, I'm sure that's not what this is about. She probably just wanted to inform the public about a gang dangerous enough to nearly kill someone as powerful as you. It was most likely a warning, if anything." Snake reassures.

"Heh, I sure hope you're right Snakey."

Wolf then goes to sit beside the coiled up serpent.


The two were watching movies together when there was a knock at the door.

"Oh, I'll get it." Wolf says.

Snake laughs and says, "Wouldn't have it any other way, pal."

Wolf chuckles as he opens the door.

"Diane! Hi! How are you?" He asks in a cheery tone.

"Oh, I'm alright thanks. Actually I came to check on you! I heard what happened! Are you okay?" She asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for your concern."

"Of course, I can't let anything bad happen to my favourite wolf!" She says, almost blushing.

Wolf chuckles and says, "Don't worry madam Governor, for thy Big Bad Wolf ain't gon' be taken down by some fat ass named after a fish."

Diane laughs. "Oh yeah, I heard about how the leader of that gangs name is 'Big Tuna'. Sounds more like a fishing company or something." She jokes.

Wolf laughs. "Well hey, would you like to come in?"

"Sure, I'd love to hang out for a while." Diane heads inside.

Snake turns to see the vixen governor. "Hey Diane. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good Snake, and yourself?" She asks.

"Good, good."

Diane sits down on the couch, with Snake on the other side, effectively sandwiching Wolf in between them. Just the way he likes it. 🤪🐺😈

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