Avery X Grayson (His comforter)

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Authors note: Oh boy... starting off strong. I am definitely team Jameson, but honestly Avery could have picked either. Plus I haven't seen many Avery x Grayson fanfics/oneshots so here I go. Please don't judge this is my first story ever published, not to mention I've never even practiced writing romance/tension stuff like this so just bear with me on this. (avery's POV on this one!)

I was walking through the hallways of an enormous Texas mansion... my enormous Texas mansion. As hard as it may be to believe those words still felt weird even to think about. Wandering the halls was still like walking through a maze, even though I've been here for quite a while now, it seems like I find a new hall or room every day. After a while of admiring the house I decided to go back to my room as it was almost time for the whole house to turn in for the night.

As I was heading back to my room I walked past most of the Hawthorn brothers' bedroom's. Something was odd about Grayson's though, the door was cracked open just a bit, that was unusual, as his door was almost always closed and probably locked, I'd never checked before. I was planning on just walking past and ignoring it, but I heard a strange noise from inside. It sounded like.. a sniffle maybe? That can't be right, I peaked through the door just enough to see Grayson sitting at his desk, hands in his hair, head down. I hadn't even seen his face yet but I could tell he wasn't doing well.

His room was a disaster, almost as messy as his hair. I heard it again, another sniffle. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness and confusion. Why was he crying, and why was I starting to get down? I was about to go in to comfort him, ask him whats wrong... but I heard a voice behind me. "Leave it alone darlin'." I turned around to see Nash, with Libby by his side. Libby looked at me and gave a small smile before she looked up at Nash, not wearing his usual cowboy hat. Actually, now that I think about it he looks like he was in sort of rough shape too. 

"Should I tell her?" Libby asked putting her hand on Nash's arm. "Tell me what" I was aware that I responded quick and seemed a little frantic, but understandably so. Nash was in rough shape, Gray was crying, and now I realized I haven't seen Jameson or Xander for a while now. "um..." Libby started "well skye may or may not have been caught sneaking on the the perimeter... armed." My mouth dropped and I didn't care. "Is that all.?" I reluctantly asked. "well she was caught armed on the property, by a guard who was also armed." I noticed Libby squeeze Nash's arm before continuing. "She's in the hospital now and they didn't exactly say she was stable, plus she's probably going to court if.." she stopped "when she gets out of the hospital". My eyes widened and I felt a surge of fear. I turned and stormed in Grayson's room leaving Libby and Nash in the hallway. 

Grayson looked up at me as I closed the door behind me. As I thought. He was crying. Grayson Davenport Hawthorn was crying. "Avery.." I looked over at him. I didn't respond, his eyes were red, his hair was a mess, he overall was just a mess. I began walking over to him "Avery" Grayson stood up "What are you doing". I stopped a few feet away from him. "I heard what happened to your mom." He stood there completely still, he was unphased. "Is that what's wrong?" I asked slowly moving forward."What gives you the impression that something is wrong?" I stopped inches from him "It's okay to feel emotions Grayson." He made eye contact with me "She was trying to get to you again Avery." 

I walked up to Grayson to which he responded by looking away giving me a clear view of his perfect jawline. Focus, I told myself. I put my hand on his chest, his eyes widened and he looked down at me. I smiled, I'd just gotten a reaction from Grayson. I stood there hand on his chest just staring into his mesmerizing grey eyes, he stared back. After a long silence I felt his muscled arms wrap around me. I felt my eyes widen and my heart began to beat faster. I stood there hands on his chest while he had his arms around me. His grip tightened and I heard him say something that muffled because he had his face in my hair. I pushed away from him slightly and looked up. Our faces inches apart, "What" I asked. He smiled the classic Hawthorn smile, slightly hesitated then said: "I love you Avery Kylie Grambs". I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach I just looked at him. I don't know why I did it maybe the silence, the tension, the fact that I was at a loss for words, whatever it was I put my hands through his hair, stood on my toes and kissed him. He hesitated at first, unsure probably... but started kissing back as he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me in. I broke the kiss, "I love you too Gray."

Word count: 904

Not sure what counts as long but it felt like a decently long story, maybe not but I tried. I started with some light angst and decently wholesome Avery x Grayson. Apologies for whatever grammer mistakes I made and whatever parts made you cringe. Remember to request stories!

Next story: Avery x Jameson!!

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