Avery x Grayson (Chess)

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Might as well even out the number right? I have two Avery x Jameson and only 1 Avery x Grayson, lets fix that. Again I am so thankful for the reads, and apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy!

Grayson's POV:
Avery and I are on the roof together, alone this time. No Jameson in sight, what a glorious feeling. Well we are on one of the many roofs Hawthorn mansion has to offer. Recently Jameson had one of the roofs renovated to be a surprise for Avery. I suppose it is rather cool, we're surrounded by a bullet-proof glass dome, there is a small garden with a fountain in the back corner, the rest of the space has a large bed, a small living room, and other various things to entertain a few people. Avery and I are currently sitting at the small kitchen table across from each other. "Check" she says. I glance up at her and smirk, I had this all planned out. Avery has been teaching me to play chess, although I am naturally good at it, of course. 

We continue playing she would check me and I would move and check her back. It was a silent game except for the occasional clicking sound of our pieces moving, a sigh from her every time I moved out of check, and after a while when she looked up at me smiling and laughing because she just couldn't quite checkmate me. This went on for about 10 minutes until I saw my chance and took it. She caught my move but it was too late for her to do anything about it. "Dammit" she muttered. As embarrassing as this is for her, it is quite possibly more embarrassing for me. Sure I won but this is the 20th time we've played not counting all the practice rounds when she was teaching me the rules. Despite everything and all the effort I've put into showing no emotion around people... I smiled. She makes me feel comfortable, like no one else is around. 

"What?" she smiled giving a little giggle afterward. "I get it you finally win Gray, it's kind of embarrassing how long it took though." See? I chuckled, still smiling. I looked up at her and looked her in her beautiful eyes, she's still smiling too. It feels like right now she's the only person in the world. I could tell she was very nervous as the room grew silent because she kept trying to start up conversation by saying things like "Grayson I've never seen you smile so much." or "How long do you think it will take you to beat me again?" I don't know what was wrong with me, I couldn't bring myself to respond. I felt the tension grow and my heart speed up as she finally decided to share eye contact with me, still slightly smiling. This girl can't take me seriously for the life of her.

After a while I was able to gain my composure, "What's my prize for winning". I saw a slight hint of blush but she responded with "I don't know, what do you want?" Before thinking I let my emotions overtake me. I stood up, walked over to her, grabbed her waist, and sat her on the table, knocking over the chess board. She looked back at the board on the ground, to which I responded with lightly grabbing her chin and facing her toward me again. I was standing between her legs, angling her chin up toward my face. "I want you." I saw her eyes widen and her face turn beet red. I also felt my eyes widen and my heartbeat quicken. She wrapped her legs around me and put her arms around my shoulders, pulling me in. 

Our lips met as we kissed for the first time. I could feel the passion of the kiss as I put one hand on her waist and the other slightly behind her trapping her under me. I let my hand under her shirt and run up her back. She gasped and then connected our kiss again, running her hands through my hair, God this felt good. I never wanted this moment to end, and I could tell she didn't want it to end either. I started to take her shirt off when, "Uh... guys..?" My eyes widened as I turned to see Xander wide eyed and.. smirking?? Shit, I forgot he was here, by the looks of it so did Avery. "I didn't mean to interrupt  anything, I fell asleep and woke up to this." I looked at Avery as she looked at Xander in horror. "Continue." He said simply before grabbing an apple out of the fruit basket on the counter, taking a bite, and climbing down the stairs and out of the room. 

Avery and I turned to each other still to stunned to speak. Our eyes met again, oh God she was beautiful. She burst out in laughter out of nowhere, so cute. After a while her laughter became contagious as I also began to laugh. We laughed to hard I began to feel it in my stomach and was soon out of breath. As the laughter came to a stop I could feel myself gasping for air. "Lets check the room before we do that next time." She looked up at me and smiled. "Wanna watch a movie? I mean, we have a huge ass T.V. right here, might as well make use of it." I shook my head having to gain my composure for the second time in 20 minutes. 

We sat down on the couch and as part of my prize I picked the movie. Avery made popcorn and came over to the couch. She laid her head on my shoulder and covered us with a blanket as the movie began to play. This moment could not have been more perfect as the sun was halfway through setting lighting the whole sky with purples, pinks, and deep blues. The fairy lights, which were on a timer turned on while the rest of the lights turned off. She snuggled closer to me as I reached around her and started lightly rubbing her upper arm. Again, I let my emotions speak before I did and said: "I love you Avery Kylie Grambs." I did. She looked up at me, tired but still smiling, "I love you too Gray".

Word count: 1072

Hope you liked it! This was just a filler story while I'm making the Xander x Max, which is taking longer than I planned. I thought this was so cute, personally. Also don't know if Gray knew how to play chess already, probably did knowing his background... but lets just pretend he didn't know hwo to for the sake of the story. Love you all!!

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