Avery x Grayson (🌶️)

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Hi Guys! sorry it's been a while, I've been focusing on school and myself for a while. School's almost out and I might as well start writing again!

either way, never written smut before but someone requested it so I'm gonna try. This is some intease and in detail stuff... just be warned. Go big or go home right..?


Avery's POV:

I yawned as I sat up, my hair falling in my face. It's going to be a wonderful day, today we get to go see a soccer (football) match. Recently I have grown really fond of soccer. We're gonna see my favorite teams play each other. I get up and head to breakfast, where I find Jameson. "Good morning heiress." "Morning." I'm tired and frankly kind of mad at Jameson. We have been planning on going to the match together and hanging out afterward. He decided to tell me yesterday night that he had something else to do. Which is fine if it's important... I understand that, but I'm still upset about it. I mean we're not together or anything but I was looking forward to hanging out with him tonight.

Grayson and Nash walked into the kitchen, also tired. An awkward air settled onto the room making everyone uncomfortable, so Nash decided to start up a conversation, I honestly don't know what we would do without him. Jameson, who was quiet the whole morning got up and started walking out. I followed him into the hallway. "Hey" I called. He turned around a bit surprised "hey." I ran up to him "sorry about calling tonight off... something just came up." "no worries, I am a little upset but do what you have to do." I smile at him and he smiles back. Before I know it I'm in his arms... hes hugging me?? I hug back unsure of what's happening, well whatever it is it feels nice. I lean into his warm embrace and then have to let go. He smiles blushing and then walks away.

I'm still dumbfounded by what just happened as I'm in my room getting ready. I did a light makeup look, with my hair in a high ponytail, my favorite players jersey, some ripped blue jeans, and a pair of white shoes that probably cost over $500. It's getting late as I get into the car, we have a long way to go. The car door opens and in comes Grayson. "Hello Avery" I smile "Hey Gray." He smirks and buckles up next to me. The car starts to move as we begin talking about the most random things you can possibly think of. We're about 30 minutes into the drive and I start to drift off, I'm tired from yesterday when my schedule was jam-packed and I barely had any rest. Before I knew it I was out like a light.

"Hey Avery" I heard someone say poking me in the shoulder. "We're here." I open my eyes yawning again. It doesn't take me long to realize I fell asleep on Grayson. I sit bolt upright and look over at him. "Sorry" I say quickly, he smiles "it's fine." That's when I realized a small pressure on my thigh just above my knee. I look down and see Grayson's hand squeezing my leg. I look up at him and he winks and gets out of the car. I'm blushing as I follow him out of the car and into the stadium.

I sit next to him for the first half of the match, which is going great by the way. 1-0, By far the most dangerous score in soccer. We have a private box identical to the one in our football stadium, and a secret room where both Gray and Jamie comforted me when I thought I'd been shoot. Goddamn ptsd. There were tons of people in the private room with us, so I decided to sneak up into the secret room where only Hawthornes were allowed. I looked out the window as the teams rested and got yelled at by their coaches during halftime. I heard the door creak closed behind me. I turned around to see Gray walking towards me. "Gray.." I got cut off by him pushing me against the window behind me and kissing me. He grabbed my thighs, picking me up and sitting me on the windowsill while he stood in between my legs still pushing me against the window. We haven't stopped for air yet as he slides his tongue into my mouth. We finally stop both of us breathing heavily as he rests his forehead agaisnt mine, eyes closed smiling.

I look up at him as I slide off the windowsill he slowly backs away until he's up against the opposite wall me pressed up against him. I lean in slowly closing my eyes and then pull away and smile. Grayson smirks and grabs my wrist pulling me to a chair in the room. He sits down and I sit on his lap. He pulls me closer so I'm sitting right up against him. We continue to make out as he slides his hands into my hair and around my back. I start to slowly grind on his lap which earns a moan from him. God this feels good.

I feel him start to slide his hands around my waist letting some of his fingers rub my sides. We stop kissing again breathing heavily and he tugs at the waist of my pants as I nod back at him. He slides one of his hands down into my pants and keeps the other at my waist. "You sure Avery?" I nod again leaning back into a kiss from him. He pecks me and then flips me around, I'm still on his lap not facing him. He grabs my waist again sliding one hand down the front of my pants and kissing my neck. I arch my back and moan as he silently whispers "fuck" as he starts to rub me. I grind on his fingers as he slowly starts sliding them in one by one. 

I hear the whistle for the second half blow as he is slowly taking off my jeans. He sets me on the table and slides my underwear off "shit" he whispers under his breath. He leans in to kiss me again, I accept and we start to kiss. Again we don't come up for air for a while, but his hand against my neck feels so good. He starts to inch down and gets on his knees. I nod when he hesitates, he smiles then moves closer kissing my lower stomach. Next thing I know hes licking me and Jesus christ it feels good. I close my eyes tight, feeling him speed up I moan loudly and then cover my mouth because as far as I know these walls aren't sound proof. Grayson doesn't seem to care and continues until I orgasm. 

His turn. I get up and push him back into the chair undoing his belt and pulling his pants down. God he's hard. I start to go down on him and he starts breathing heavily and whimpering. I stop to get onto his lap. "Do you have protection?" He shakes his head. Damn. We'll make it work. I start grinding again and he grabs my waist and guides me. I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. He's hot. "Fuck it.. can I?" He asks. I start to think but adrenaline gets the best of me "Yes, what's the worst that can happen? I'll get on a pill and take plan b or something." He nods and slides it in. I start bouncing giving him a break. It doesn't take long for either of us to finish and he pulls out in time. Yea right, I'm still taking plan b.

"Avery I love you." I smile at him resting my forehead against his this time. "Love you too Gray." 

We get dressed and watch the rest of the game together in the private room. It's a great game and I'm screaming at the ref for most of it. I mean what is it with professional soccer refs, are they all garbage or something? The score is now 3-2, how that happened I have no idea, I'm just glad that I came here with Gray. That's what she said.


all that just to make a that's what she said joke...

no further comment.

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