Avery x Grayson (Interrupted pt.2)

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It's been a few days since the argument. The air in the house is tense, no one has really talked to each other in a while. Everyone heard about the fight and the housekeepers and cooks and the whole staff are taking sides and defending which brother is in the wrong and there's no debate about me, everyone agrees that I'm a whore jumping from brother to brother. They've heard about me and Jameson and now me and Grayson, either way this isn't good. Nash and Xander haven't said anything, in fact they both conveniently went on vacation the day after word got out. Libby has been in my room with me these past few days, Libby will get up and bring our food to my room where we would sit and talk, nap, or watch tv. 

It's been a week since the argument, things are slowly getting better. The air is less tense, still no one has talked to each other (by this I mean no one has confronted the either brother), people stopped talking so much about it, Xander is back and Nash is still out. I left my room the other day to have dinner with Libby in the garden. No one has seen Jameson or Grayson for days. How they were getting food? Probably passageways. 

"Nash is calling one second" Libby stepped out of the room. 

As much as I love her and am so thankful for her staying with me the whole time I need alone time right now. I write a short note so Lib doesn't freak out. I pull on the lever and enter into the walls closing the door quietly behind me. The cold breeze slid around me as I walked around the tunnels not knowing where to go. I saw a familiar turn and decided where I was headed. I walked into the library. It's so peaceful in here I could stay in here for hou-

"Hey Avery"

Well shit.

"Hey Gray, I'll just go now okay?" I said turning back to the entrance to the passageway.

"No wait, we need to talk."


"Okay." i turned around and walked over to the table he was sitting at.

He put his head down on the table and took a deep breath. He looked up at me and it looked like he had at some point been crying. He looked like he was in pain. He cleared his throat. "What are we going to do.?" Grayson without a preset game plan that's new. I knew my answer already though.

"I have no idea. I'm sure we'll think of something, we are really smart." I grabbed his hand from across the table. He looked down at my hand holding his. "I don't know Avery. All I've been doing is thinking. I like you a lot and would even go so far as to say love, Jameson is my brother, I love him and I can't let another girl tear us apart. I'm stumped."

"I get it Gray and I like you a lot to and I know everybody hates me right now and I know you are in pain and I know everyone is taking sides and making this blow out of proportions I know all this shit is hard but I know you and I know that whatever you choose to do will be the best option for all of us." I let go of his hand to give him some space. He looked deep in thought, then he looked up at me and smiled.

~days later~

We had gone to confront Jamie with Xander and Nash. We all sat down in Jamie's room and we all talked it through. It was hard. Tears were shed, there was yelling, there was pain, and there was most defiantly pent up sibling rage which was awkward for me. However there was also talking, agreement, genuine feelings, and forgiveness. It in total took 2 hours and at the end I ended up going with Jamie out to his balcony so we could talk which took another 45 minutes. It ended with me giving him a really long hug and him crying.

~weeks later~ (bc it takes time to heal obviously)

Which gets us to now as I am waiting in the bathroom as Grayson prepares me a bath. We are in Grayson's bathroom with the door locked this time. We just got back from the hot tub with the brothers and Libby. Grayson turned around. 

"It's ready m'lady" 

I smirked "Conveniently you need a bath too. Also conveniently this bath is most definitely big enough for two people."

In return he also smirked. "Avery are you suggesting I take a bath with you?" 

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward me. I kissed him. He kissed back. After a few light pecks were exchanged it started to heat up. He pushed me back against the wall one hand on my face the other trapping me under him. He started to go for my neck and left a trail of hickeys from my jawline down to my shoulder, I moaned with every one. He came back up to meet my lips. We kissed for what felt like hours and we moved all around the room. I broke the kiss. "The bath is going to get cold."

"Say less."

He turned me around and untied my bathing suit top. "Turn around princess" He whispered in my ear making me jump. I turned to him and he rested his hands on my hips. "You're so gorgeous." He hooked his thumbs on either end of my bathing suit bottoms. He pulled them down gently but they were still wet from the hot tub and they got stuck. We both had a good laugh before he leaned in for another kiss lifting me off the ground and setting me on the edge of the tub. He pulled his shorts off. I couldn't help but admire him. "You're gorgeous" I winked and he smiled and rolled his eyes. 

He climbed into the tub and I followed, he sat and I climbed on his lap facing him first this time. He flinched taking a breath in.

 "You okay?" I asked 

"Yeah, you just feel to good already and we haven't even done anything yet."

Let's change that.

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