Avery x Grayson (Through the phone 🌶️)

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All I've got to say is: R.i.p.

Grayson's POV:

Avery is away for a week. She and Xander left to visit Max for her birthday. Avery threw Max a huge surprise party. The house seems dark and empty without Avery, or maybe it's just because I lay alone on my large empty bed, in Avery's large empty room, in the dark, by myself. God I am tragic. My phone pings.

Avery: How are you doing? Just wanted to check up on you before I can't answer for a while

Grayson: I'm fine. This house is empty without you 

Avery: Hah. I miss you too Grayson, anyways, the party looks amazing! Max thinks she's going to a nice dinner, little does she know she's gonna have her mind blown

Grayson: Sounds fun. I'm glad you're having fun and I'm sure that the party looks amazing. Wish I was with you though

Avery: I wish you were here too. Damn I should have brought you.

Grayson: Yeah you should have

Avery: Next time for sure

Grayson: I agree

Avery: Want to see my dress for the party

Fuck yes

Grayson: Yeah, sure 

Avery: Thoughts? :) 

Holy shit she looks amazing

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Holy shit she looks amazing . I can't help myself , I have to stare. This girl is amazing, she is perfect, she is beautiful, and her body absolutely drives me crazy. I can feel a familiar feeling building in my stomach... I can feel myself getting hard for her.

Grayson: Holy shit Avery you look so beautiful

Avery: Thank you so much Gray. Ily <3

Grayson: I love you too princess

Avery: You know what that nickname does to me my love.

Grayson: I know. that's why I said it

Avery: Grayson?

Grayson: I want you right now. 

Avery: Grayson, we're in different states right now. Can you wait two more days for me?

Grayson: I suppose. 

Avery: What are you doing right now.

I'm not telling her that I am currently laying in her bed with my hands in my pants.

Grayson: nothing.

Avery: Sure you aren't. What if is send this..?

               -Attachment: 1 Video

Grayson: Oh my God the things you do to me.

I start moving my hand, slowly. I'm craving her. Why is she so far away. I need her. I bite my lip and close my eyes, pretending it's her that's touching me like this.

Avery: I wish you were with my right now. So you could do this to me...

               -Attachment: 1 Video

fuck, fuck, fuck. My hand moves faster as I clench my eyes closed harder. A moan escapes my mouth and I start panting.

Grayson: Fuck Avery you're beautiful 

Avery: Let me ask again my love. What are you doing right now?

Grayson: Thinking about you princess. Would you take that dress all the way off for me? You look beautiful in it of course, but I want to see you

Avery: Fuck Gray, of course I can. Give me a second

               -Incoming facetime

shit shit shit. I stop touching myself, sit up, and answer her call.

"Hi Gray..."

"Hello Avery."

"Are you in my room right now?!?"


"Yes. I miss you"

She giggles. "Are you ready Gray?"

I nod my head. She sets her phone down and slowly sits back down on the bed. She slowly opens her legs, licks her fingers, bites her lip, and slowly starts to touch herself.

Fuck I wish that was me. My hand goes back down and starts to stroke again. She's so beautiful, the noises she makes are so perfect, and the way she makes me feel. 

I throw my head back out of breath while Avery quietly moans on the other end of the phone. 


I lift my head up and look at her

"Yes princess?"

Avery stands up slowly and unzips her dress and slips it off gracefully. I swear under my breath as she sits back down on the bed and continues to rub herself.

We moan in unison both of us speeding up our hands, both of us wishing it was the other. Avery is out of breath panting and moaning

"mm~ mmmm~ Grayson~"

"Fuck princess keep going for me sweetheart"

Avery gasps and moans biting her lip. The sight of her finishing tips me over the edge, and with one last moan I let myself go and finish gasping for air.

Word count: 702

Oh! That's not... 😃

Jk y'all. Again I tired. Feedback pleaseeee, b/c I'm not to good at writing this kind of stuff. But love y'all sm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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