Avery x Jameson (Christmas)

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Thanks for all the suggestions! I will definitely work on them next. I started writing this around Christmas and completely forgot about it so I finally finished, enjoy!! (This one's gonna be a long one)

Avery's Pov:

I don't know what I expected Christmas eve to be like in the Hawthorne house. I definitely expected something big, I mean it is the Hawthornes we're talking about. However Alisia had told me they always have a big ball on Christmas night, so two big events one after the other like that didn't make much sense, considering all the planning that had to be done. I walked out of my room dressed in my Christmas pajamas I had gotten as a present from Jameson out of nowhere. I'm pretty sure they were designer and felt very expensive. It was a red, black, and white plaid dress. It wasn't exactly like a nightgown as it was tight hugging all my curves, not to mention it ended at my upper thigh, so it was very short. However it was a bit fuzzy, very soft, and very comfortable.

I walked to the kitchen for breakfast. I have to walk past all four Hawthorne brothers rooms on the way there, I'm always a little tempted to stop by Jameson's room but never let myself get sucked in for no reason. Today was different though... I don't know why but I felt a stronger urge that pulled me into his room. I walked to the door and opened it just a bit, peeking through the crack. Jameson lay on his bed, on his stomach, bed sheets thrown on the floor, and to top it all off he was wearing his pajama bottoms that match with mine. He has the same plaid but as my nightgown, usually he had a white shirt on, but that was also carelessly thrown on the ground.

I walked over to his bed, sat down, and started massaging his head. "Wake up Jamie, it's Christmas." He grumbled shifting his position so his head was no longer shoved in the mattress, it was faced toward me. He slowly opened his eyes, and at the sight of me started smiling. I smiled back, still massaging his head. We just sat there for a minute smiling at each other. I eventually broke the silence "We should really go eat breakfast, Alisia has the whole day planned out for me, and I really need to get moving." He closed his eyes for a moment and then slowly and surprisingly gracefully he sat up leaning back against the bed frame, rubbing his eyes. Apparently I was staring as he tilted his head back arching his neck, because he turned to me. "Intrigued heiress?" I felt myself getting a hot flash from embarrassment and fluster. 

He grinned pulling me on top of him, I couldn't be any more flustered, or red, or hot then I was now, so I just stared like an idiot. Jameson looked up at me, a perspective I was not used to. "So heiress.." he said looking down slightly, while I still sat there dumbfounded. "What did you ask for for Christmas?" He started massaging my upper thighs where my dress ended, or began... I don't really know I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't know what to say, I was blanking out. "Take your time heiress." I could feel myself erupting with a hurricane of butterflies. Jameson just stared at me for a minute... admiring me maybe? He looked my face up and down, "You're so beautiful when you're flustered Avery." I stared again, God what is wrong with me? Why can't I just say something. "Since you're at a loss for words..." I looked at my lips.

In a sudden movement he had flipped me over on the bed and was on top of me pinning me down. He started a kiss, I kissed back, finally I could do something right. I never wanted it to end, it was so comforting, so exciting, and so hot. He kept one hand next to my head and slid the other up the side of my dress, and began feeling my body. Oh God, I was a hot mess, I needed to get up now or I'd be here all day missing out on the things Alisia had planned. As if he read my mind he stopped kissing me, got off of me, and sat on the side of his bed, head down. "You almost got me heiress." Of course now I was able to unfreeze. I giggled still not knowing how to respond correctly.

We eventually left his room and went to breakfast. Of course the breakfast was awesome, piles and piles of pancakes, tons of bacon, coffee, hot tea, ice tea, orange juice, etc. etc. ETC. Later we let the paparazzi have some time with us. We did interviews and gave them some footage of us playing in the snow in the front yard, they stayed behind the gates, obviously. We had a snowball fight, which Xander, of course, won. We went inside and made homemade hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies. We all got cleaned up and Alisia dressed me in expensive snow clothes, as well as the four brothers and surprised us with a trip to true north on my private jet. We got there 3 hours later. Once we arrived we had a winter photo shoot, for the media. 

Later on, Xander challenged Nash to a drop, to which he responded with "no." So Xander went to Jameson next, and they hit the slopes. "Avery." Grayson called me from outside. "Want me to try and teach you to ski again?" He smiled. "Yup!" I grabbed my ski gear and rushed outside. As much as I love Grayson I made up my mind, so I was no longer jumping between him and Jameson. We skiied until dark, it was so much fun .So all this time Grayson Davenport Hawthorne did know how to let loose and have a good time. When we arrived at the cabin, it was finally time for presents. We did a secret santa, I got Xander. It was time for Xander to pick his present after the third round. I put his present in a large box, little did he know on the other side of said large box there were breathing holes.

Xander tore open his present despite the note saying to be careful. As he opened the lid, his girlfriend/my best friend popped out. "Max!" Xander wrapped his arm around her and she did the same. "Surprise Mother trucker!" Max yelled after Xander let go of her. Max had been in college for a while now and they barely got to see each other. I told him she was going to spend Christmas with her cousins, so there was no way in hell he expected this. "This was the best possible gift, thanks whoever brought this thing to me" Xander said, glancing over at me. "C'mon Xan" Max said, pulling him upstairs, winking at me when she walked past. "Don't have to much fun y'all!" Nash yelled as Max and Xander ran into a guest bedroom. Everyone laughed.

Eventually it was my turn, I looked for my gift in the stack. After looking through the still giant pile of gifts, I found one with my name on it in a small box. I turned around and sat on the ground allowing everyone to see me open it. Everyone was smiling, "what?" I laughed as I continued to open my gift. No one answered so I just kept opening it. It was a small jewelry box. 'Someone got me a necklace' I thought. As I opened the box it was empty, except and piece of paper on it's back. I picked it up and read it, "Turn aroun.." I turned around to see Jameson on one knee.

"Avery Kylie Grambs." My eyes widened. "You have no idea how much you mean to me, how much you've always meant to me." I could feel my eyes start to water. "No matter what you say, you mattered to me since day one. You were never just a game to me. You were there for me and my family when we needed you. You are so smart and so beautiful, you never fail to manage to make me smile. I always feel something when I'm with you, there's never a dull moment like there always is with Grayson." He smiled, I giggled, Grayson began to smile and rolled his eyes, and the rest of the crowd laughed. "So Avery, will you marry me?" I felt a tear drip down my cheek, time felt like it froze as it dropped from my face. I smiled harder than I've ever smiled before. I turned around and saw everyone else with the biggest smiles, some shedding tears. I turned back to Jameson, still on one knee. I caught a glimpse of Max and Xander at the top of the railing upstairs. Max was recording, she saw me look and gave me a big thumbs up as Xander nodded in agreement.

I felt my cheeks heating up again as more tears fell down my face. I looked at Jameson and nodded "Yes." Those words barely escaped my mouth before I began actually crying. Jameson let out a small laugh as his smile grew. His eyes were watering as he got up and brought his lips to mine. I know I always say I never want any moment with Jameson to end. This time a truely meant it, everything felt right, this moment takes the cake out of all the other times I've spent with him. I wished so bad I could tell him how much I loved him and everything else. I just couldn't find the words to describe any of it. So I just kept kissing him. After the kiss I heard the clapping and whistling from the people watching. 

"Good job beach! love you!" I looked at Max still in Jameson's arms. She winked at me and led Xander back into his bedroom. The time after that went by like a breeze. I sat on Jameson's lap the rest of the night while we watched people open their gifts, laugh, and everything else that comes with a rich people Christmas party. This was truly the best day of my life.

Eventually everyone went to bed, drunk of course. I was still on Jameson's lap leaning agaisnt him as he traced circles on my stomach. I was so tired from this long day I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Avery" he whispered into my ear. I turned my head to look up at him, God how on earth did I pull him? I smiled and my eyes started to water again. "What?" I asked. He smirked 'Dammit he's up to something'. "Shall we continue where we left off this morning?" I could feel myself blush. "Nothing would please me more." I said as I turned to face him still on his lap. "Merry Christmas my love." 

Word count: 1842

Damn that was long. I know the way I wrote this was weird, but I just needed to get through the whole day, for the proposal ;). Let me know if I should write longer stories like this, or the shorter ones like I've written before.

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