Avery x Jameson (Camping-ish)

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I packed as little as I could for the trip, the brothers on the other hand packed heavily. We are going on a road trip to Colorado for a few days of camping. 

"Jesus could you have packed any heavier Jamie?"

"Heiress, we're going camping we need materials."

"Yes obviously. But camping is not bringing half your goddamn house into the woods. It's the bare necessities and a couple tents."

Just then Alisia walks over and looks at my small backpack and small duffel bag raising her eyebrows. 

"You obviously have never been on a Hawthorn camping trip Avery." She ushers me back inside and packs 3 more bags for me. I stand there dumbfounded. This is most definitely not going to be a normal camping trip.

2 Hours later, 5 separate trucks are loaded to the brim with bags filled with god knows what. Jameson and I requested a separate truck from everyone else. Jamie was really tired recently working on a new project and wanted to sleep without the distraction of his brothers. Apparently it was tradition that Xander had the AUX while him and Nash sang off key. Jameson and Grayson would sit in the back and make fun of Xander until eventually Grayson got bored and turned to work.

I climb into the truck with Jameson. Goddammit he's wearing a compression shirt and sweatpants. He knows damn well what he's doing doesn't he. I roll my eyes as he climbs in. He sits in the seat right next to me and lays his head on my shoulder. I start to run my hands through his fluffy brown hair. 

I giggle "are you tired or something Jamie?"

"Mhm~" he replies in his sleepy voice.

I shiver at the sound as I cover both of us with a blanket and lay my head on top of his. He's so warm. He wraps his arms around my waist still laying on my shoulder. I put one arm behind his back rubbing it. He snuggles in closer to me. I smile down at the top of his head.

"God... this is what you wanted to do? This is why you didn't want your brothers to be in the car."

He nods his head slightly.

"I'm really tired heiress~"

God, his sleepy voice. Why is it so attractive? 

We snuggle the rest of the drive. He sleeps the whole time hopefully building up the energy for this trip. He's going to need it. Camping isn't easy. You hardly get any sleep and you freeze your ass off no matter how many layers you're wearing.

When we arrive I am in complete awe. There is a huge waterfall peeking through a clearing in the trees. There is a huge campsite reserved just for us. There were 4 fancy expensive looking camper vans. (never mind he was going to sleep like a baby.) There was a fire pit, table and chairs, with a rug under them at each individual camper van. There was an area that had so many games such as corn hole, horse-shoe tossing, frisbee, etc. Next to the clearing in the trees with the view of the waterfall there was a huge blank screen with a projector.... and no joke there were actual couches in front of it. All this on it's own is incredible but I can see fairy lights strung across the campsite in various areas. I wonder what it looks like at night.

We start the painstaking process of unpacking the cars and moving into our respected campers. At this point this isn't camping, this is our own private resort.

 At this point this isn't camping, this is our own private resort

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When I say luxurious I mean it. ^^^^^^^

After we get all settled we decide to go for a swim. Luckily Alisia had packed the perfect swimsuit so me and Jameson matched. My bikini was baby blue with little Hawaiian hibiscus flowers on it. I also have a white lace semi-transparent swimsuit cover I tie over by bottoms as well as matching sandals. I tie my hair up into a messy bun with little hairs cascading down that wouldn't stay put. As I walk out of the trailer to meet the boys, all their eyes are on me.

Nash smiles approvingly, Xander blushes and give me a thumbs up, Grayson's eyes widen as he quickly looks away over his shoulder putting his hands in front of him while he excuses himself into his trailer.... awkwardddd.... finally Jameson looks me up and down and smirks. He walks over and grabs my hands pulling me close to him.

"You should wear this more often. You look gorgeous" He tucks a bit of hair behind my ear 

"Let's go swimming then." He grabs my hand and we walk with Xander. Libby, and Nash to the shore half a mile away. We all immediately run in splashing each other and laughing. Eventually Grayson gets there, he had a business call (yea right). We all laughed together until the sun starts to fade away. 

When we get back Jameson showers and I right after him. I out on a gorgeous sweater Alisia packed and some blue jeans. Finally, some normal camping attire. Once we're dressed we go out and make some bratwurst and hot dogs followed by s'mores and drinks. We all talk for a while and hang out having a great time. Xander decides we're going to watch a movie and puts a horror film on the projector. Halfway into the movie Jameson nudges me and nods his head back to our camper. 

We get up and walk back. When we arrive I see a package on the bed with my name on it. I look at Jameson and he nods. I rip it open to find a beautiful new dress. 

Jameson leans down and whispers into my ear:

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Jameson leans down and whispers into my ear:

"Put it on"

He slips away as I change and comes back wearing a semi-formal suit.

"Follow me."

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the camper and down a rocky false-candle-lit path. We walk for a bit until We reach a pavilion covered in fairy lights in the forest. Slow music lightly plays in the background. (There are those torches to keep bugs away everywhere don't you worry.) Jameson lets go of my hand and turns to me. He reaches his hand out to me. 

"Would you please dance with me Avery?"

I smile at him and start to tear up. I reach out and take his hand as he smiles and leads me under the pavilion. We put our hands in their respective places for slow dancing and begin to sway. For a while we say nothing. We just look at each other. 

Jamie reaches out and tuck hair behind my ear and leans in closer, our faces almost touching.

"I really do love you Avery."

I lean in and reply against his lips.

"I love you to Jameson."

His eyes slightly closed he smiles against my lips and connects the kiss.

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