Avery x Jameson (Adrenaline)

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"Holy ship what the actual Fax!?"

Max walked into my closet wearing one of my gorgeous mini dresses. The Hawthorne house was hosting a charity event tonight. We would set up part of the backyard by the maze and host the event at night. It was semi-formal attire and Max insisted on flying out a day early. We hung out all day yesterday and played hide and seek in the mansion. We may be adults but we're still children at heart. So here we are trying on dresses for tonight.

"That looks so stunning on you" she's really pretty. She bows really deep and twirls. 

"Xander is in for a treat" I smirk.

"Shut up" she snaps.

I turn around and start rustling through my clothes again. Max taps on my shoulder and hands me a folded outfit.

"Try this on for me?" She smirks. I smile and take the clothes and run to the bathroom to change myself. When I come back Max turns around and smiles.

"That might be the one Avery"

I give her a twirl.

"I think this looks really good Max, once again proving yourself a genius." Max gets a mischievous smirk on her face.

"I think it would look better on Jameson's floor."

I roll my eyes at her.

"Of course you would say that."

"I'm not just saying that to say it Avery. I mean the color of that skirt would look really good with the color of his carpet duh."

I roll my eyes again.

"Duh, obviously that's what you were talking about."


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We arrived at the party a bit late. We had to help set up so we started to get ready late. There were mini booths set up all around the yard for various charities looking for donations. It was dusk, which meant all on schedule the fairy lights turned on in sync making people gasp and clap at the beautiful sight.

I find Jameson and his brothers at a table with top donors to the Hawthorne families various charities. When Jameson saw me he politely excused himself. As he turned to get a better look at me he smiled and walked toward me. I smile back and walk over to him. He wraps his arms around me smiling into my hair. He grabs the sides of my face and kisses my forehead. I smile up at him still in his arms. 

"What do you think heiress?"

I look around and see Xander also got up from the table to embrace Max. They both start giggling and walk over to the chocolate fountain. I smile harder. They're so cute.

"I think it's a beautiful night."

He tucks a piece of hair behind my ears and smiles grabbing my hand and leads me to the dance floor.  It's packed. It reminds me of every high school dance I've ever been to. Only the younger people are dancing but it's crazy. There were mini mosh-pits, jumping, grinding, screaming, dance circles, you name it. Jameson spins me around and starts to move with me to the beat of the song. We're smiling and laughing as everyone around us does the same. All the sudden Jameson looks at me.

"You wanna get out of here?"

"Where did that come from?" I ask. I was having a great time, but with Jameson I was willing to do anything.

He tilts his head at me and I nod and grab his hand. He leads me back through the house and up into the hall that contains everyone's bedrooms. We walk into his room and he walks into his closet. 

"Here I bought this for you." He tosses out a small package wrapped up. 

"Put it on for me." He says still in his closet. I gulp and open the package. What is this?


Once we're dressed he leads me through the house and into the garage. I look at him still slightly confused. I know we're wearing gear but for what? He tosses me a helmet and puts one on himself. I flip my visor down and Jameson pulls me in by my waist for a hug knocking our helmets together. 

"Ready for the 2nd best ride of your life?" He smirked. I roll my eyes 

"What are we gonna do Jamie?" I ask looking around. He leads me to the corner of the garage where I see the most gorgeous blue motorcycle ever. (AND IT WAS A YAMAHA) Jameson gets on and pats the back of the motorcycle signaling where I should sit. I breathe in and sit on the back holding tightly around his defined waist. (I feel abs through his compression shirt oh my lord.) He revs it and makes sure I'm wrapped tightly around him.

"If you want to go faster tap my shoulder and if you want to stop or slow down tap my stomach okay?"

I nod. He revs again before kicking off slowly to get out of the driveway weaving between parked cars. Once on the main road he picks up the pace a bit. I tap his shoulder, I want to feel something. I feel the motorcycle start to go a bit faster. I tap his shoulder again, and again... and again. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach the faster he goes the more the stress goes away. I start to feel a lump in my throat, but it's different... it feels good. I feel all the weight of everything lifted off my shoulders and all I care about is going faster. I tap him again and this time he steps on it.

We eventually slow down and I am shaking from the adrenaline rush. We must be miles from the mansion. He slowly turns and parks at a little park. He allows me to get off and then signals for me to come sit in front of him. We both flip our visors up. I get on straddling him as he rests his helmet against mine.

 I get on straddling him as he rests his helmet against mine

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"Have fun heiress?" He asks trailing a finger down my waist.

"Always with you. But...."

"Next time pop a wheelie."

He smiles.

"Will do."

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