Avery x Jameson (It's cold)

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So excited to write this! This ship is top tier. I also wrote and published the first part and it is doing better than I expected so far, so thanks so much for that! Anyways, without further ado... enjoy :)

Avery's pov:

I woke up to the sound of something crashing. I rubbed my eyes not thinking much of it, after all I live with the Hawthorn brothers. I grabbed my phone to check the time, 2:31... in the morning. I started to worry, as one would if they heard a loud crash at 2:30 in the morning. I reluctantly got up the cold air surrounding me, I shivered. I decided to slip into my soft robe before leaving my room in plaid pajama shorts and a sports bra. Despite the luxury I so suddenly started to live in I preferred my old comfy pajamas to anything else. I opened my door cautiously, the hallway was empty.

I decided to walk around a bit to see if I could find the cause of the loud noise, plus it was nice to walk around the house for a bit. After a while I still couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I began to walk back to my room and found myself stopping in front of Jameson's door. I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach like they do when I'm around him all the time. I stood outside his door for a bit debating whether or not I wanted to go in, I finally decided it wouldn't hurt to check on him. I cracked open his door and peeked through the little crack. His bed sheets were carelessly tossed around, the door to his balcony was flung open and the wind was blowing the curtains. He wasn't in bed so I decided to walk in.

I looked outside and saw a figure sitting on the edge of the balcony. Jameson. I walk outside and feel the goosebumps as soon as the cold air surrounds me. "Hey heiress." Jameson didn't even have to turn around to know it was me. It took me a minute to realize he wasn't wearing a shirt. I rolled my eyes "it's freezing, put on a shirt Jamie" I said as I walked up next to him leaning on the balcony. Even though I was looking forward I could see him turn his head to look at me. "What did you just say Avery." Instant butterflies. I felt my face flush, maybe from the cold. I turned to him as he gracefully hopped off the balcony railing. I was still facing forward determined not to let him see how red he turned me just by calling me by my real name. 

He came up behind me. I felt his warm breath on my neck, "turn around heiress". I refused, ignoring him. He wrapped his arms around me "you're so warm" he said, his voice dropping. I needed a way to distract myself, "Jamie you didn't happen to hear a loud crashing sound did you?" I turned around and he let go of me. He started smirking, then a smile??... holy shit. Jameson Winchester Hawthorn started laughing, I felt my eyes widen as a smile spread across my face. A few seconds later I didn't even know why we were laughing we just were.. together. I was able to catch my breath "what was that all about?" I asked, realizing I was still very much out of breath.

"Heiress" Jameson was just as out of breath as I was. "That was me" "what?" He walked toward me slowly pushing my back against the balcony and putting his arms on either side of me trapping me. He smirked " I fell out of bed". I felt myself smile, I stared into his eyes trying to think of a good response to that. Before I could say anything though, he bent down and kissed me. It was gentle at first, just a few soft kisses, but that didn't last long. He and I were eventually full on making out, he had his hands around my waist, my hands in his soft hair. He started to trail kisses down my neck. "Jameson..." He slowly came to a stop and looked me in the eyes. I didn't want it to stop, but I'll admit the cold was distracting me, as warm as he was it was still freezing. "Lets go inside, you must be cold". He smirked and picked me up wrapping my legs around him. He brought me into his room and, still holding me, and pushed me against the wall and continued kissing me. I wanted him.

As we laid down on his bed about 20 minutes later, I somehow managed to lose my robe and was now in my pajama shorts and sports bra. Jameson laid there admiring me and drawing shapes on my side as we looked into each others eyes smiling. Nothing had gone too far, but I was okay with that. I shifted closer to him laying my head on his chest as he played with my hair. "I love you Avery" I was too happy and too tired to get flustered, somehow I managed to pick my head up and look him in his beautiful green eyes and say " I love you too Jamie"

Word count: 881

Holy crap. People please give me suggestions for how to write better, and how far is to far with these two because I don't mind writing more suggestive stuff but I honestly can't tell what's enough and what's not. Again I've never wrote any romance before, let alone anything really. Also please don't forget to suggest story ideas! Love you!

Next story: Request or another Avery x Jameson!

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