Avery X Grayson (Strip bowling)

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Avery's POV: 

Of course it's hot outside. I wanted to take my limited free time and explore the huge backyard more. Of course I knew where certain things were but this is Hawthorne mansion for Gods sake there's always more to it.

"You ready Avery?"

I nod my hand and grab Xanders hand as we walk out of the house to the car. I agreed to go stock up on some ice cream because summer in Texas is boiling. We load up into the car and drive to a semi-run down ice cream store.

"We used to come here all the time. This place is my childhood."

I smile. "Should we go in?"

Xander nods. "We have to buy in bulk for this summer."


When we arrive back at the mansion and unload everything we go to town on the ice cream. Max eventually wakes up and walks in on me and Xander shoveling down gelato.

"Dammit you guys! What the fax!? Without me!?"

We laugh. "Come join us!"

Max runs over and jumps on to the stool next to Xander.

"So many options where should I start?"


"What should we do now?" Max asks.

"How about a game?' Xander suggests.

We nod our heads in agreement and follow Xander to the game room. 

"Nothing particularly catches my eye at the moment. Wait..."

We look over at him.

"Who's down for a Hawthorne classic.... drumroll pleaseeeee....... STRIP BOWLING!"


"I'll go get my brothers and Libby... and more ice cream." Xander runs off as I blush.


We all arrive in the Hawthorne's private bowling alley. Jameson and Nash are sitting next to Libby and Xander is with Max picking out their bowling balls. I stand off to the side awkwardly waiting for Grayson to arrive. Me and Jameson got into a fight which ended our relationship on weird terms. We didn't hate each other or anything, it was just awkward.... we're both upset. Libby sees me standing alone and gets up to hug me. I love her so much. She is my rock forever. 

I hear the door open lightly and then close.

"What's with all the ice cream?" Grayson asks walking over and making weird eye contact with me as he walks by, God why does he have to be so hard to read?

"Me and Avery got some this morning. It was really hot out and we just about ran out of ice cream so we just bought in bulk." Xander shrugs.

"Anyways, I've decided Max is going first followed by Avery, Gray, myself, Jamie, Libby, and then Nash."

"Game on." Jameson says grabbing a bowling ball with his name on it. God these boys are so extra.


After several rounds Xander was winning... or at least he had the most clothing on. Jameson had the most clothes on after Xander, followed by Grayson, followed by me somehow, Nash, Libby, and of course Max was losing.

...how the hell am I beating Nash...?

I glance over at Grayson as he finally unbottons his shirt and slips it off. God his muscles are killing me. His arms, chest, stomach, and back are all extremely toned, for looking slim under his suits he was surprisingly muscular. I let my eyes trail from his adams apple to his chest... to his abs.. his v-line...

I look back up at him and he is staring dead at me while Xander bowls his turn. I take a sharp breath in and pretend to have been looking at the colorful display of bowling balls behind him, I turn away from him just in time to hide my blush. 


Max lost. As she peeled off her final bit of clothing people turned away to give her respect. Xander and I were the only ones enjoying the show. 

"Enjoying the show pervs? Turn around."

I turned around but Xander just grabbed his coat and threw it over her shoulders, silently walking her out of the room. We all turned to look at each other not believing what just happened. Everyone's eyes widen as well as smiles grow on their faces.

"Uh- go Xander..?" I smile 

Jameson smiles and stands up silently and leaves. 

"We'll go check on him" Nash stands up and puts his clothing back on followed by Libby.

Oh shit. That leaves me and Grayson. I glance over at him, he's already looking at me.

"Hey Avery."

"Hey Gray" I shift uncomfortably setting my hands in my lap.

Oh my God I'm alone with him both of us in just socks, jeans, and me in a bra. He turns away apparently noticing how little I was wearing. I keep looking at him. He turns around after a few seconds, most likely feeling my gaze on him. I whip my head away and turn a darker shade of red.


I turn and face him.


This is really awkward. Not just because of how little we're wearing... but that's part of it, but because I think we both know we have feelings for each other and now that me and Jameson are over, Gray finally has a chance. The only thing is that if he decides 'fuck it' and tries to get with me I'm not going to say no. That causes problems for everyone though. Jameson will be upset even more and could start to break. It will become more awkward between us and instead of our relationship healing it could be damaged more... we're heading in the wrong direction here.

"I think you know what I'm going to say."

I turn my head away and chew on the inside of my cheek. I do know what he's going to say but I don't know if I fully want him to say it. The room goes silent for a few seconds before Grayson stands up from his chair.

"I don't think it's a good idea to say anything. So I'll do something instead."

His lean but muscular figure walks over to me, bends down pretty far as I'm sitting down, and kisses me once... only for a couple seconds. He pulls his face away inches from mine looking into my eyes and then fully stands up in front of me not saying a word. I am blushing really hard as I sit there staring into space processing what just happened. Shit... 

I jump up to my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck as his hands fly to my back and I kiss him again... but harder this time. We kiss for what feels like ages until I pull away and we are both breathing heavy.

"How was doing something better than saying something?" I whisper trying to catch my breath.

"I don't know I just couldn't control myself. I'm sorry"

"Don't be." I take my arms back from around his neck and his hands drop from my waist. We stand inches apart unsure what to do until Grayson speaks.

"Fuck this Avery I need you please."

I open my eyes wider and stare into his eyes on the verge of tears... I don't know why. Maybe I'm nervous. He slowly backs me up into a wall trapping me under him and I stand on my toe again and connect our kiss again.

The door opens. 

"Uhm... guys?" 

Libby and Nash had walked back in

oh shit.

Part 2 my loves? :)

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