Avery x Jameson (The cabin)

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Hey people who are reading this story! I am realizing that I need to write more stories on my own so more and more people are able to see this, rather than ask for requests. So I will be writing whatever until I hopefully start getting requests. This story is like a continuation on my fav Avery x Jameson moment in the series. Chapter 47 in "The Hawthorn legacy" (a.k.a when they went to true north and Avery and Jameson were in the hot tub together.) I cannot tell you how many times I read that part and got butterflies every time. Sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes. Anyways enjoy!


Avery's pov:

I was still shivering after Oren left with Eli to call for reinforcements and talk with the arctic specialists, leaving me with Jameson and Grayson in the living room. The living room was completely dark lit only by the fireplace and the light glow of the fairy lights outside on the porch. Despite the cabin being huge this was one of the smaller living rooms in the house. I was still freezing from the hot tub, despite having a towel wrapped around me. I was shivering from the cold or from fear,  couldn't tell. All I could think about was "the specialist" that was in the woods. What were they trying to do? What would have happened if Oren hadn't seen them? Did they really get away? A million questions whizzed through my head, I completely forgot who I was with.

"Avery." Grayson said waving a hand in front of my face bringing me back into focus. I blinked taking in my surroundings fully. Grayson was stading in front of me slightly bent over while Jameson stood behind me, arms wrapped around me while he also held my towel around my shoulders. I looked behind me at Jameson and couldn't help but slightly smile, he grinned in return. I turned back to Grayson giving him my attention because he began to open his mouth as if to say something. I stared into his eyes remembering our time earlier on the ski lift, dammit.... I was still confused about me and Grayson, even though I definitely knew how I felt about Jameson. Grayson stood up and changed his expression because I could tell he started to feel something... flustered?? I shook it off just like he did. "Shall we sit down now?" Jameson asked from behind me breaking the awkward silence we were so used to. Hands still on my shoulders, Jameson led me toward a chair in the living room. He sat down on it, the chair was only meant for one person. I grabbed my towel and started to walk to the couch Gray was sitting on, Jameson grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. 

My eyes widened as my head whipped around to meet his eyes. He was smirking, of course he was. "Don't want to get the couch wet do you heiress?" I rolled my eyes "Jameson you were in the tub too, you're more wet then I am, you should be sitting on my lap." Before he could respond Grayson cleared his throat, his face was slightly flushed and he looked a bit uncomfortable. I was a bit embarrassed. I decided to try and ignore Jameson so I could talk to Grayson, that's what would be best for me and for Grayson, I don't know how Jameson would feel about it. "Lets start off with the basics, Avery are you alright?" I nodded my head, remembering what just happened, again my head got flooded with thoughts.

Grayson and I continued our conversation and went over who it could be and why, although we both knew why someone was after me. This conversation was longer than it needed to be and it was just so we didn't fall into an even more awkward silence than last time. I started to get uncomfortable and shifted in Jameson's lap. He let out a small sigh and grabbed my waist. Grayson noticed, and me and him both slowly looked up at each other. He cleared his throat again and we continued to talk. A couple minutes later, I heard Jameson curse under his breath, he reached over and grabbed a blanket off the couch next to us, covering both of us. Grayson cleared his throat once more, I guess he clears his throat when he gets uncomfortable. 

Jameson began to grab my thighs from under the blanket giving them a massage, it felt nice but I had to keep talking to Grayson. That's all that happened for a while, me and Grayson eventually began shifting away from talking about the "specialist" and we started to talk about, well... anything really. It was less uncomfortable as Jameson also started talking. We were all laughing and talking together. It was unusual for the brothers to be talking this much and showing this much emotion, but I have to admit I was here and loving it. Jameson eventually moved his hands more up my thighs as we were talking about our favorite foods. I let out a small gasp that Grayson didn't seem to notice, Jameson definitely did though. I could practically feel him smirking. He let out a loud yawn "I think me and Avery are going to head to bed now." Grayson cocked an eyebrow "Are you now." I was blushing as I nodded my head. As much fun as I was having I couldn't stay up all night, I was rather tired. Jameson picked me up in my towel bridal-style and walked me to his room. He set me down, "Shall we pick up where we left off heiress?" In response I simply looked up at him "We should clean ourselves up." "Very well heiress, I'll draw us a bath." He smirked and pulled me in kissing me once before heading into the bathroom.

" He smirked and pulled me in kissing me once before heading into the bathroom

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Word count: 987

Damn 125 reads! Thanks y'all! I can definitely make a part 2 for this, I can write a new story, or take a suggestion. If no suggestions are made I am feeling like writing a Max x Xander, I think they are so perfect together and it would be pretty fun to write. Anyways, thanks for reading.

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