Avery x Jameson (Sacrifice)

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My long break has come to an end (maybe)

Jameson's POV: 

I followed Avery as she stepped out of the black car. The night was perfect... cool crisp air, a dark cloudless sky allowing for view of the stars, and Avery holding my hand as we walked into the gala. She always looks amazing of course, however, tonight she was especially beautiful in that tight black dress that hugged her body showing off her gorgeous toned figure. She has no idea how bad I want that dress on the floor and her under me. That will have to wait, but soon enough I'll have her all to myself.

We walked through the doors to a bustling crowd. Avery grabbed my hand tighter and led me through the crowd to find my brothers. After a few minutes of searching we found Nash talking to an important looking and familiar figure, whatever, I didn't have time for that.

"Nash!" Avery called

Nash turned around, saw us and smiled as he walked towards us. Avery reached out and gave him a brief hug

"You look beautiful darling." Nash said as he let go of Avery's embrace and nodded as a way of acknowledging me. He showed us to our table where Xander, Max, and Gray sat in loud conversation. Avery and I sat as a man wearing all black approached us.

"Avery Grambs" Avery looked up at him confused at first, but quickly changed her expression and smiled at the man. She stood up and shook his hand.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"I'm Jack, I work with a large news company... we were hoping to interview you tonight on..."

Their words faded out as I looked around the room at the many different people. But that wasn't what was distracting me. Something seems off, something seems really really off. That is when I noticed several men wearing all black standing in strategic enough places around the outside of the room to miss, but I knew this strategy all too well. Although many of them had drifted into conversation with the people around them, all of them would constantly look around our general direction but never made eye contact. I zoned back into the current conversation, still on my guard.

"... and we were wondering if we could interview you. They wouldn't let us bring our cameras inside so we'd have to go out to the parking lot"

"Sure! that sounds like it's for a good cause. When should we-" I cut her off.

"She will actually not be leaving this building until the gala is over, and even then she will be leaving with my brothers and I." Jack turned to me and smiled. I would have misinterpreted it had I not already been suspicious, he's a good actor.

"Jameson right? Kidding. Of course I know who you are. I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend man, I'm sure I couldn't even if I tried. I just want to interview her on her charities and what charities she's donating to, and maybe even have her send video messages to some of them thanking them for their service to the communities." I stood up and shook his hand, glancing around the room again to catch several of the men wearing all black glance in our direction again.

"Actually I know you wouldn't be able to take the love of my life away from me. For reasons I would rather keep private she will be staying by my side for the rest of the night and she will not leave my sight. I'm sure we can arrange interview to still happen, but rather at our house than in a dark parking lot in the middle of the city. Who knows what can happen here." Jack glanced over my shoulder and gave a slight nod, so slight it would have been very easy to miss, but I didn't miss it. 

"Very well. Take my card and have a good night." He walked away as I sat back down and grabbed Avery's hand...tight. She leaned in and whispered in my ear

"What was that about? Why can't I leave your side?" I looked around to the men from before and they had shifted positions, this time they were closer to us. I looked over at my brothers who were also listening in on the conversation.

"We should leave now." Grayson, who had also sensed something off nodded towards one of the men closet to us. I nodded and motioned for Oren to come to us. He scanned the area before nodding and starting towards us. 

"Jameson! Tell me now!" 

"Shhhh" I gently grabbed her upper arm.

"Not now my love, we have to go quickly and carefully."

We started to move towards Oren, we brushed past men and women all dressed elegantly and all extremely, by the looks of it sophisticated. We walked carefully through the crowd until I noticed behind us, a man in all black following in close proximity. I slowly let go of Avery's hand and spun around sucker punching the guy in the jaw. The crowd gasped. Then I heard a scream.

Whipping my head to find Avery I found out she was not the source of the scream, but rather some lady. The rest of the group screamed and scurried out of the way ducking behind tables and chairs. I turned around again to see three of the men, two guns on Avery, Libby, and my brothers. One on me. 

"Jameson Hawthorne. Hands in the air now." 

These men are not police. They have no right.


I left my hands at my side.

I flinched as I heard a gunshot. I closed my eyes. I fell to my knees.

Another gunshot.

Then the sound of bodies hitting the floor.

I open my eyes to see Oren standing a few feet away gun drawn and pointing at the third guy. I get up from the floor and sprint to Avery as fast as I can. He's going to shoot I see it in his eyes.

His gun fires. I jump shielding my only love as I feel the impact and pressure on my chest. I fall to the ground at the same time the shooter does.

A tear falls from her eye. As she falls onto the ground beside me.

The world goes dark.

Word count: 1044

I tried okay? Don't come for me I swearrrrr

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