Avery x Jameson (🌶️)

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Jameson's POV:

"XANDER! LEAVE THEM ALONE GODDAMMIT!" Nash yelled as Xander proceeded to tease me and Avery about the revelation of our new relationship. It wasn't the way we planned on telling everyone but what's done is done. We wanted to announce it at Avery's birthday dinner but it came out sooner because I forgot where we were after me and Avery won a game agaisnt my brothers. As a celebration I kissed her, my brothers said they saw the sudden change of embarrassment in her face when she was trying to take in what was happening. So yea i messed up, that's on me but oh well... it was hot.

Xander flashed Nash an innocent smile while Gray rolled his eyes. We were at dinner, Avery, my brothers, and I. We were at a fancy restaurant so everyone was dressed accordingly. Me and my brothers wore matching black suits, our most expensive suits, while Avery wore a short black dress, equally as expensive, to match with our theme of black.  

We have been waiting on our food for a while now and all five of us have kept a nice and entertaining conversation after Xander shut up about me and Avery

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We have been waiting on our food for a while now and all five of us have kept a nice and entertaining conversation after Xander shut up about me and Avery. We eventually got our food and dug in. At some point during dinner Avery placed her head down on my shoulder, she was full and had already finished her steak, (me and my brothers hadn't yet.) I smiled, she was so pretty. "OOOoooOooooOOOoOoOOOoOo" I looked up and me and Nash rolled our eyes in unison as Xander saw Avery lay down. "Xander shut up please" Avery said smiling still on my shoulder, eyes closed. "I am incapable of doing that you know." Xander responded, to which Avery responded with a giggle while lifting her hand up to flip him off. 

Grayson cleared his throat "Excuse me" he said as he got up avoiding eye contact with everyone. I know he's jealous of me and Avery, I don't know what to do about it so I plan on leaving it be to see if he gets over her or we'll deal with it when we get there. Avery took her head off my shoulder dammit to watch Gray as he walked away, she frowned but grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 

Gray came back after a while and we finished our dinner and our lovely night. We walked out and gave interviews to the paparazzi who were waiting outside for us. Me and Avery were walking to our car when she leaned over "Hey we should we ask Oren if just the two of us could stay out longer?" I looked at her "Where would we go?" She looked up at me and smiled "Somewhere private" She said tracing her finger up my arm. Oh wow. "How bout we take the car up to the hill and we can star gaze or something." She pulled my arm stopping me, she got on her toes and whispered into my ear "or something" she kissed my neck on her way back down and then turned to tell Oren the plan. I am flabbergasted and blushing. Oren agreed to let us go but would be at the bottom of the hill waiting for us when we were ready to leave.

I got in the driver seat of the black car, Avery in the passenger seat. We drove in silence for a few minutes, Oren behind us. Out of nowhere Avery leaned over and kissed my neck. "Hey Jamie" she said. "Hey" I responded. God she was in a mood right now wasn't she. She placed her hand on my thigh. "Hey Heiress wait, we're almost there okay? just 5 more minutes." She looked in the rear view mirror, Oren still on us. "I've waited all night Jameson." She slid her hand up farther and rested it on top of me. I gasped trying to focus on the road so Oren wouldn't have to pull over and ask what was wrong with me.

Dispite Avery grabbing me through my pants, I drove up the hill perfectly... guess all the race car driving came in clutch for keeping me focused on the road. We watched Oren park at the bottom of the hill as we turned the corner. I stopped holding me breath and gasped. Avery got unbuckled and leaned over to kiss me. I kissed her once then pulled away. She looked at me resting her forehead on mine, letting me breathe. After a while I connected our kiss again. I stuck my tongue in her mouth and we made out for a while, it seemed like time stopped even though it was only a few minutes. I pulled away from the kiss and grabbed her and sat her on my lap. "Grind on me heiress" I whispered into her ear. 

She started to rock her hips against my lap as I left hickeys on her lower neck and upper chest. I heard her start to breathe heavy and I matched it because God, this felt so good. I can't wait any longer.... I need her. "Avery get in the back." She looked at me "Will do Jamie." We got out and climbed into the back seat where I took her black lace panties off and threw them into the front. "Can you spread your legs for me heiress?" I can't wait any longer but I want to make sure she's fine with this before I do anything. "Avery if you don't want this you don't have to do it, I just want you to be comfortable... okay." She sat up and kissed me "Jamie I've never been more ready for this... you are literally perfect and I'm ready for you." That gave me the shivers, God I love this girl so much. She lay back down on her back and spread her legs. 

I want this night to last forever, I put my head down between her legs starting at her lower thigh and kissing my way up until I'm right next to it. I hover right in front of it only touching it ever so slightly until she moans and begs me to continue. I start to kiss her area then after a while of her squirming I start to lick her. Slowly at first and then faster and harder. She started to breathe heavy "God Jameson I'm almost there..." her voice trailed off as she tilted her head back and shut her eyes tight. I felt her finish, she got up and wrapped her arms around my neck and straddled me again. She hung on to me as she calmed down a bit then whispered into my ear "Your turn Jamie." She kissed my neck then got off of me and to her knees. 

I pulled off my pants quickly for her.  I was about to pull down my boxers as well and then she pushed her head in the way and licked me through the fabric. I groaned and threw my head back as she slowly moved her tongue up and down. "Now you can take them off." I took them off the rest of the way. She looked up at me as she slowly started to lick it. She took the whole thing into her mouth and I whimpered and threw my head back as she slowly started to move her head up and down. I started to breathe heavy and would let out a groan or a whimper every once in a while as I started to feel that oh so familiar feeling building up in my stomach just about to reach breaking point... when she stopped. 

She got up and grabbed a condom from the front seat. She opened it and put it on me. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pinned her down, "ready heiress?" I smirked at her. She smiled "never been more ready." 


Uhm... not so sure how i feel abt this. Gotta give the people what they want tho ig. I feel like im not good at writing this type of stuff, sorry it took so long. I just kept restarting  and changing things and ended up with this, I needed to be done with this oneshot so here's as good as it's gonna get, sorry if it's not great. 

Hope yall enjoyed, have a good day/night and  don't forget to suggest more inheritance game oneshot ideas!!

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