Chapter Three Helpless

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahcarmeapple

April 13, 2019, 9:05 am, Diana's POV

    "When you learned your real name, you probably wondered why Muses? My late parents named me Calliope, they believed names had power. The stronger the name, the stronger the person. So they named me Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry and Eloquence. By something as simple as coincidence, Calliope was also the most prominent Muse. And then here I am at the behest of these Mad men who sought to bring back gods and goddesses. And here I am, named after a Goddess. Names have power, my name kept me sane even when I had no reason but sheer stubbornness to remain so. I was a Goddess among simple men. Then later among simple Dynamics." Letica says and blows out a short breath.

    "Clio. Was named after this mindset. I named her after the history she had, and the history I had. I thought that the name would give her power, power enough to live and grow up in a world trying to destroy her. But the power turned on me. Clio Jessica grew at my bosom and in my nest until she was old enough to walk. In this world that began earlier than a year old. She had the power I gave her from my own veins. From conception to her birth, I allowed my baby to take from me until I was a husk of myself. I allowed her to drain my nutrients and run me down until I was skin and bones. I was permitted to do this because Devin had been cast out of my nest, by Royce. And Royce was trying desperately to get me to trust him. His Alpha was too strong for me to resist, and so for him, I entered a natural heat. I had never encountered an Alpha that powerful, and in the first year of Clio's life I had not learned how to temper my desire to please him. This allowed him to later cement his spot as Emperor. It was different than having a Mad Man on the throne, but more of the same for me. Through Clio's childhood, the Elitist Empire grew like a virus. All due to Royce's whispers cast around the globe. And soon enough people came to us, instead of us seeking them out." Letica says and her eyes go cold.

    "Women would give their bodies to our Beta-omicrons and in return, depending on what they gave our Empire they would be rewarded titles. Become a 'Lady' in our Empire. To attract these women, they would be exposed to more of the grandeur and when they could not bear to give it up Royce's omicrons would give them their serum. And they would become half of my Dynamic and be made to breed for the Empire. But because no one but Clio and I could ever be full. These women and later men became revered. Inside the court, the HB-o Ladies and Lords became sought after by the Alphas and Betas. They wanted a taste of the power their bodies could give. But the amount of HB-os yielded was less than the number of Alphas and nowhere near the number of Betas. This caused strife and most times fights to the death. Then the HB-o could be claimed by one strong Alpha. With Royce at the helm, the Council of Founders was losing popularity. They were losing the awe of their people. But then Mevin remembered me, he remembered that inside my natural heats I had sought many partners. I had craved many Alphas. It was one of the black spots in my memory, but it gave them a solution. These created HB-os had not had heats natural or induced. They did not feel the burning feeling of denial. Their bodies did not fill with Slick, they did not have cravings, and for some, they could not even purr. But with the need to calm the angered Alphas in the empire. They allowed the Upper Pack to be born." Letica says and sighs, shaking her head.

    "At the time the HB-os in the Empire could come to me. In my temple and ask me things. Most of them asked me how to be worthy. How to better keep their Alphas near them. I tried to tell them the truth of the matter. To tell them, this was not a place any Omega would like to be. But though their Dynamic was not as strong as mine, they could not see any way to live, but to be around their Alphas. And slowly I realized I could not go back to 'normal' either. It enraged me, and I would become cold when they visited and hissed for them to leave me in peace. But the meaner I was the more they cultivated this idea that their worth depended on me. Depended on their closeness to my apparent spirit. To these HB-os the lull that was Half-breed Omega was based on me, a great woman that was the Mother to all Omegas. And so I closed my Temple and refused to see them. That was when Royce turned off his charm. Turned off his purr and began barking at me. Telling me what would happen, what I would do for our Empire." Letica says angrily and is still disgusted at the memory.

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