Chapter Twelve Homecoming

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple
May 12, 2019, 9:57 am, Diana's POV

    'There is a special smell in the air. A longing in it, from when I saw through the haze of my memories. I could remember soft strands dancing through my fingers, and at the time I believed the memories were backward. That I was remembering my hair. But the smell in the air is grease, and the coils still dance.' Aurora squirms below me and I giggle at her. 'She at first made vocal protests to Aver, who told her that her hair had to be done. Then she pouted at her older brother, who debated telling me to stop. Had to bring my Little Alpha back down to earth fast.'

    "I'm almost done, Feisty." I tell Aurora whose mouth pouts in the mirror, but her disappointment is not enough to stop her from asking Aver what 'fye-s-tea' means. He chuckles from beside her and answers her. Alex is looking in my mirror and patting his little twists. 'My children's fathers might be Italian, but my hair and skin color cloned themselves. Alex's features look like a mini Antonio, but Aurora looks like a mini-me with her dad's gray eyes. Or rather, as I look like my Grandmother, Aurora looks like her too.' I lean back still trying to fix the flat twist on Aurora's head, but my belly won't let me see down. I lean forward, but my back protests the position making a muffled groan of discomfort escape. 'It is her hair, something so simple. But when I could no longer hold her, my brain protected the memory of her... but only of her hair. It was all I had, even unknowingly. And right now, I have to accept there will be many times to do her hair, but I cannot right now.' I look up and Aver and Peace are watching me closely. I blush.

    "Aver, do you mind?" I say pointing to Aurora's mostly finished hair. Then I rise from the sofa and feel the weight of my belly. Aver immediately comes over and takes my spot. His hands gently adjust Aurora's head, as he begins flat-twisting her hair. I wobble to my nest grabbing a wet wipe to clean my hands. Then sit down to watch them on the other side of my room.

     "How did you learn?" I ask and Aver looks up at me, his fingers still twisting. That takes practice and special care. There are things I thought of, but with everything happening around us, they became things I never inquired about. These six boys cared for our Baby. I never thought they did a bad job, or the bare minimum. But it could not have been easy to learn new skills to care for my little caramel baby. But they did, and now she is healthy, happy, and loved.

     "A lot of Youtube. Hermes learned the fastest, that was why he became her main caregiver. We learned her skincare and stuff the hard way, then back to youtube." Aver says and laughs, smiling widely at me and making me laugh too. Peace gently takes my remote from Alex and puts it back on my TV stand. He is also listening while looking at himself in the mirror and then back at the two babies. I narrow my eyes and call him to me.

     "You know what today is?" I ask him and he shakes his head. I purr while calmly combing his hair with a little rattail comb. He smiles at the action, 'I think he felt a little left out.' I grab the mousse, add some to my hands, and begin spiking his hair. He giggles looking in the mirror and I grin at him, hugging him loosely.

     "The Daddies are coming home today," I say and he beams at me and then snuggles into me. A rush of emotion fills me and I hug him tighter.

     "I love you so much, you know that right, Mirko?" I ask and he looks startled as he turns to me and nods. I kiss his forehead and both cheeks. I am about to say something else when I notice Alex begin nudging one of my crystal figurines slowly toward the edge. A mischievous smile on his face, as he giggles the closer it gets to the edge.

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