Chapter Seven Nighttime Tales

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahcarmeappleBabyalex34Lumped26
April 22, 2019, 2:34 pm, Diana's POV

    'That last three days have been busy because Cheshire sent me the coordinates of the next Hub. I extracted myself from the Pack to run through her plan and find holes in it. The Alphas left me alone except to bring a Rho in with food. I could not figure out why they were there. Until I was running through the heightened security of the Hub on my laptop. And Moonie and Giovanni brought me soup and I asked them to come back in an hour. They did and I requested another hour. Giovanni took the soup from Moonie and set it down then took my laptop.'

    'I found it disrespectful and snapped for it to be returned. And he told me the longer I refused to eat the more hours he would add until he gave it back. He reminded me what happened the last time I did not eat or sleep well. Then said the Alphas agreed I could work. But I would eat, hydrate, and sleep on time. And if I refused to do that, then and only then could they pull rank. My usually nice Alpha then told Moonie to bring my laptop back in fifteen minutes, she fled with it, and then Giovanni fed me the soup. I ate it sheepishly, then with the return of my laptop continued until ten PM and went to sleep without a fuss. Giovanni and Moonie's interaction was the most words I exchanged with my Pack as a whole, since Pandora's punishment. The only exception was the children who came in and out and would climb in my lap, or sit by me. All three were quiet and respectful as if they knew I was working on sensitive materials.' I close my laptop and leave the sunroom walking into the foyer.

    "Oh. My. Word, Her Majesty the Empress returns." Ciro says with an obnoxious gasp and three clumsy bows. I give him the finger looking over at the sitting room. He has set it up as his office, Vico has a real one, and I work in the sunroom.

    "Where is the Lower Pack?" I say sliding my laptop into its bag and then stretching my limbs. Ciro smirks coming out of the doorway and walking over to me.

    "Well, the Twins and Orion are hanging out with Rosie's Lower Pack. Drago is administering an academic Placement test for Peace in the garden. Aisha, Moonie, and Hermes took the babies to the grocery store with the Quattro and the Êtas. And Jules and Aver are in his bedroom on a video call with Evelyn's Pack and Cheshire. Most of Il Sei, Vico, and Nilo are at work except for Zeus. He is outside giving the construction workers orders on how we want the third floor built. With the sheer amount of Betas outside I calculate it will be habitable if not ready by the end of June. He is also here to check in on you." Ciro says and I stop moving toward the living room when I learn no one is in there. 'They started laying the groundwork when half the Pack was in Meeritin, so that is only three-ish months... Are there hundreds of Betas outside? Or is it because High Alpha gave an order and they want to please him?'

    "Evelyn's Pack? Did something happen?" I ask, getting serious, but Ciro chuckles, pulling up a message on his tablet and showing me. 'We feel blessed and elated to welcome Hercule and Nicholas into our family.' The names are sewn on their tiny clothing. I blink at it and say it out loud to confirm it.

    "Violet had her babies!" I cheer and Ciro laughs at my excitement and he nods.

    "She is here in Candyland right?" I ask and Ciro nods.

    "Prenatal and Delivery. Isle Two. The pregnancy... well really the birth hit her like a brick. Il Sei were talking and they think it is because Victor was well Victor, during most of her pregnancy." He says and I nod, 'Victor was a fucking ass you mean.'

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