Chapter Five Our Pack

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarah, and carmeapple

April 16, 2019, 4:48 pm, Diana's POV

    I leave Hermes' room and run down the steps.

    "Aver!" I yell, not able to temper my rage to avoid scaring the shy gamma. He appears in the sitting room. My Quattro, Jules, Ciro, run out too. Aver looks scared and I feel bad.

   "Don't worry you will love this job," I tell him and he relaxes.

   "Jules, come with us, we are going to fuck someone up!" I say completely manic and Basilio's voice comes from the steps behind me.

    "Great, I'm coming." He says and I shake my head.

    "Lower Pack business, what I am about to do you will try to stop and no one is stopping me." I warn him and Basilio tenses. Aver straights then both go to the mudroom to get their shoes. Ciro raises his hand and I nod allowing him to come. The Rhos hurry into the massive landing from the dining room and I look at them and shake my head.

    "No, you guys cannot come," I say before they ask, and then walk back into Vico's office and grab the machete. I walk back out and all the Alphas run toward me with exclamations of 'Woah!' The Rhos make small sounds of alarm.

    "Fine, you can come," I say to the Alphas, and then grab my combat boots and snap my finger at Rio. He kneels and puts my shoes on and ties them. 'My stomach is getting bigger and is annoying trying to see over it.

   "Thanks. To the SUV." I say and get into the driver's seat ignoring the Alpha's protests for a moment until they start getting commanding.

    "Shut the fuck up, or get out!" I hiss and silence reigns. I put the car in drive and began the long drive to the city district.

   "Jules, tell me where Vico is right now," I say, tossing my phone in the backseat and he does as I say because Jules, unlike the Alphas, knows better than to try me.

   "Three streets up in the Blooded Warrior Hall." He tells me and I nod and say nothing until I am turning into the building. 'The interesting thing about the Blooded Warriors is that some of their HB-os wait around until the meeting is completed. So they can go out to eat or just spend extra time with their Alpha. If Xavier is not there, I have no problem taking on Blooded Laura instead.

    "Okay, we're here," Basilio says from the passenger seat and I get out of the car and walk toward the door holding the large knife in my hand. The meeting has just been adjourned and all the Blooded Warriors seem to be chatting about the meeting. I walk further in ignoring all the exclamations of hello. I see Raskel leaning against a wall talking to his Tertia Alpha and I change my path to walk toward him.

    "Where is Blooded Laura," I this is not a question it is a demand and something in my tone wipes the smile off his face.

    "High Alpha just stepped into the bathroom, I can get him for you." The Tertia Alpha says because he does not know me.

    "I did not ask for Vico now did I?" I snark my feelings, my eyes darkening. Aver issues a small apology, but Jules turns around to the room and loudly reasks my question, and the gathered Blooded Warriors silently point me in the direction of the meeting hall. I walk that way and I hear them follow me. I hear her before I see her. 'A two-in-one special.'

    "That seems like an amazing opportunity." Blooded Laura is telling Xavier. I walk up to them and clear my throat.

    "High Alpha called you." I lie to Blooded Laura. 'Lying is bad, that is correct Aurora. But Mommy does not quite care right now.' Blooded Laura immediately leaves Xavier to me and he turns to me with a smile. A pleasing smile like a slithering snake.

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