Chapter Four Acceptance

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarah, and carmeapple

April 14, 2019, 5:13 pm, Aisha's POV

    'It is rare that I have any time to myself.' I think swimming in the outdoor pool. I go under the water for a moment and press my legs together to swim like a mermaid. Under the water, the sky is like a warm brush on a painting. I release bubbles and swim to the top and try to flip my wet hair back but it smacks me in my eye instead of cascading down my back as I wanted. I giggle twirling in the water. My hands come back to my chest and I make sure my bikini top is in place and go back under smacking the water's surface with my feet.

    Under the water, I hear noises on the surface and I immediately worry that someone wants to use the pool so I shoot up from the water. I am trying to clean the water from my eyes when soft splashes come from my right and left. 'It's probably the other Rhos.' I think when strong hands touch my face and gently clean my eyes, 'not Rhos. Hands are hard... kind of like an alp-' I open my eyes and jolt back immediately with a yelp.

    "I'm sorry! Is this the time you usually swim?" I ramble suddenly wishing I had a towel to hide behind. Secunde Alpha blinks at me and then smiles with a quiet chuckle.

    "No, we saw you from the ballroom." High Alpha's voice comes from behind me and my heart is pounding.

    "Oh, well I'll let you two swim," I say, swimming toward the nearest ladder when one of them gently wraps their arms around my waist.

    "Farfallina, you can not fly away just yet," Massimo says and turns me so I have to look at High Alpha's wet chest. I blush red hot. [Butterfly]

    "She is so pretty. Little musical fairy." Massimo says and I realize with my bikini bottoms his hands are on my bare skin. I am not even trending water he is while holding me as if It is causing him no effort.

    "I'm going to find High Omega." I nearly screech out and High Alpha chuckles. It is not mean but he finds this all very humorous... almost in a fond way.

    "You do not have to be scared of us. We just think you're pretty. Cute little Farfallina. Little Butterfly." High Alpha reiterates and I nod agreeing with whatever he wants. This makes him smile wider displaying the canines he has yet to file away.

    "You are nice to look at as well." I stammer out when an awkward silence reigns and both Alphas laugh. Massimo begins moving us until we are in a place I can stand up. I am carefully set down and I bounce in the water feeling weightless like being on the moon.

    "See? Cute." High Alpha says to Massimo who nods and smiles at me. I frown, blushing harder.

    "I am not doing anything." I quietly protest looking toward the house for help escaping, but no one emerges from the usually busy house.

    "That is why it is cute," Massimo says and I shrug then freeze realizing who I am speaking to, and nod.

    "How far does this blush go?" Massimo asks, but not to me... but to High Alpha. Who moves toward me and goes underwater for a second then pops back up.

    "Goes into the cute bikini. I bet it goes right to her button." High Alpha says and Massimo's eyes darken. 'What button?' I look at them both confused.

    "Does that blush surround your clitty, Aisha?" High Alpha asks me his guttural voice and I swear on my life I turn purple. I look into the water and see his flagpole is ready to go. 'I didn't mean to tease them.'

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