Chapter Two Change of Command

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahLumped26carmeapple

April 9, 2019, 9:20 am, Aver's POV

    I look at the stage and feel a mixture between horror and awe. Diana, Ciro, and Pandora were the only ones permitted on the stage. I knew when Jules was told by Achille not to climb up Diana was planning on shattering glass houses. All Diana's Alphas except Rio and Achille were allowed on the stage though. Rio is stuck to Jules like cement, so I am guessing that is his purpose. Along with Rio one of High Alpha's dire wolves circles Jules's feet.

    "What is his name?" Kat asks Jules who laughs a little.

    "Ettore," Jules says, patting the wolf on the head.

    "Is he yours?" Rosie asks hesitantly as we watch Meeritians from Rho to Alpha be ordered onto the stage. After the first day, Diana had Elite Race workers configure the stage. Now there are two levels on the dais. The top one is where Diana, Vico, and company sit, and the bottom is where the Meeritians are being forced on. And though they would have to climb the wall to cause Diana harm, Pandora sits up straight ready for anything that comes.

    "I think so. My Alphas told him to protect me after I got in a car accident. Fed him once, now he won't go away." Jules grumbles but by the smile on his face he does not mean it. Ettore pants and then licks Jules's fingers making the man groan in disgust when an excessive amount of slobber hits Jules's shoes and runs slimy down his leg. I giggle and Jules looks back at me and playfully glares at me.

    "Roma is Diana's," Rosie says more of a statement than a question but Rio and Jules nod.

    "Where is yours, Aver?" Rosie asks and I choke and then start coughing. Jules' smile dissolves on his face and he stares at Rosie hard.

    "I cannot tell if you meant that nicely..." Jules says his words are shaping like a threat and Rosie's face changes to something resembling uncertain panic. 'She did not mean how it came out.'

    "I just-. Because Aver and you are always. I just thought that-. I'm coming, Gor!" Rosie abandons the ship and runs toward her Secunde Alpha though he did not call her. Movement at my back makes me turn and look down the slight two-foot incline and thirty feet back and the Meeritinians filling into their labeled slots. The Bonded Grouping betas still make up the center aisle, but before when no one was talking now the Elitist Alphas are urgently talking to the unbonded Rhos and Gammas. Before they did not matter, did not exist to them. But the varying dynamics Vico is having loaded on the stage is causing a ripple of fright.

    "You!" The Elite Race Alpha Lucon yells and a Nu-Alpha standing next to the HB-o row walks in ignoring the whimpers and cries as he hand grabs a male HB-o. Then keeps nudging him forward forcing him to walk past us and up the steps to the dais. The man is crying and I know part of it is real, but the cries seem disingenuous because he keeps looking around from Alpha to Alpha trying to use his dynamic to get out of the unknown.

    "Aver," Jules says quietly and I look back his way and see he is less than a foot away from me.

    "I'm sure Diana will accept your Grouping soon. She likes you, I know that for a fact." Jules says seriously and then smiles.

    "The wolves are from Rocco, Vico's wolf. They are his puppies. I think Vico gives us the wolves after we have pleased him." Jules says conspiratorial with a naughty smile and Rio remains facing forward but snorts at Jules's words making only me blush. Jules's smile only widens and he winks at me.

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