Chapter Fourteen Unexpected Visitors

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Warning Dubious Consent
Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple
May 17, 2019, 1:37 pm, Theseus's POV

    "Again!" I say pointing the baton down. 'We are fighting with them because they are lightweight, and they test Pandora's instincts.' She circles me looking for a way in, and then attacks. I block her blows and spin around hitting her back with the palm of my other hand. She stumbles, and her lip curls up angered.

    "No," I say, shaking out my shoulders, and she takes a breath in. 'Good girl. Amore instructed me to see if the way she problem-solves bleeds into the way she fights... and it does. When Pandora begins losing, she goes blind and will break any rule of law if it means she wins. In just shy of a month of training her I have gotten her to think first. To find a viable solution inside the rules.'

    "I stepped too close," she tells me what she did wrong, and I nod with a small smile.

    "You did. It left your back wide open." I tell her, and she shakes it off and jumps in place. I tense seeing the vindictive look in her eyes. Pandora tosses the baton down, takes her weapon belt off, and I smile.

    "Oh, you think that will help?" I can't help teasing her, and she snorts, kicking off her shoes. I'm watching her while in a fighting stance, but it still takes me by surprise when she tosses the baton at me. I am ducking when her hand comes up and hits me in the throat, I choke and then back up in time to see her catch the ricocheting baton with ease. I snicker retaliating faster than this training session allowed for. Pandora's eyes widen as she realizes I kicked our training from intermittent to expert. 'So far she has attacked first, and I defended myself. Now, I am attacking... to Pandora's credit her defense is immaculate. When I hit, she has already blocked.' I grin moving faster, trying to trip her up. She begins to pant, but I keep coming until our batons are locked in an X, and I'm a couple of inches from her face.

    Clapping from the doorway makes Pandora let go and reach for where her weapons belt was. In seconds as she realizes it is not there she tries to grab a knife from along my leg. I catch her hand and hold it.

    "Breathe in," I order her as she breaks out of fight or flight mode. Pandora breathes in slowly and then blushes realizing she was going to throw a knife at Nilo. I smile and laugh letting go to pat her shoulder.

    "Great defense," I say, and Pandora's blush spreads.

    "Sorry, Alpha Nilo," Pandora says, and he snorts walking toward us. 'Pandora already threw one knife at him. Our sparring is how we would fight in battle, and the headspace takes over Pandora. Nilo makes no sound when he enters, but I always note a presence is there. Pandora, though, tries to kill the presence immediately after sensing it. Luckily Achille caught the airborne knife by its handle a foot from Nilo's face. If Pandora has anything, it is a precise aim. The Alphas are fucking psychos because all they did was laugh.'

    Nilo comes closer to Pandora and tilts her head up to look at her. Pandora shivers under his gaze, and I tense. 'He has never hurt anyone in the Lower Pack, but his presence is startling in itself. He comes into rooms like a trained assassin and keeps in the shadows. Like light is allergic to him. But when he smiles or tells us how well we did, the words are worth more than gold. With him, it is hard to gauge if he is pleased or wants more out of her. Or out of me.'

    "Perfect," Nilo says, and Pandora beams he smiles at her and turns to me, his smile widening.

    "You almost lost." He tells me and then chuckles, and I frown, 'does he think I did not do a good job? I hope he does not think this fight reflects all my skills, I do not want to hobble Pandora. But I can work on my offense.'

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