Chapter Fifteen Family Reunion (Part 1)

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Warning: Dubious Consent
Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple
    May 19, 2019, 4:13 pm, Basilio's POV

    'Clank, click, thud.' Theseus and Pandora are sparring in the middle of the fighting mats. 'They started slow and have steadily amped up the difficulty. They are not fighting blow for blow, but instead, Theseus is attempting to land his baton on Pandora's person and she is defending herself. I keep my eyes half on them and half on Abele and Gabrielle who invited themselves into our training room. 'Massimo warned us that if we were fed up instead of starting shit just calmly take ourselves down to the basement. He kept insisting, 'take it out on the mats.' Well, that is hard to do when shit keeps following us. Why can't they sleep all day like they did yesterday!?'

    Abele sucks his teeth as Pandora's hand wavers in blocking her side, and Theseus has to slow down so the baton can lightly tap her and not slam into her. He is careful of her, and the moment passes in an instant. Abele and Gabrielle came in to spare but quickly became fascinated with our Êtas. The cousins were fine with it, until Abele dubbed, 'She was good for a girl.' Then Amore flashed his canines at us, silently demanding Dante get them to leave. Dante wanted them gone too, and genuinely tried. But Abele and Gabrielle both refused to leave but promised to be quiet. 'I do not care, I still want them out. Even if that means dragging bloody men out... strictly forbidden by Tony. He sucks the fun out of stuff. I swear.' I am knocked out of my thoughts as I hear loud exclamations on the other side of the showers... in the gym?'

    "How are you going to come into my home and give me orders!" Vico hisses, Lorenzo snaps something about Vico's tone, and Vico barks a laugh.

    "I do not have to listen to you!" Vico mocks, and Lorenzo's snarl shows how he feels about that. 'Vico has tolerated Lorenzo for years, but every once in a while he starts up his nonsense about-'

    "Maybe I do not want the mafia throne... every thought of that? I do not fucking need it. My Empire can hold yours under until it drowns, in wealth, strength, and power." Vico growls, and Lorenzo's reply is quieter as he berates Vico for his tone. 'Lorenzo likes to try and convince Vico he is acting crazy, that his reactions are not warranted.'

    "Lorenzo, you cannot just demand that and expect the boy not to become enraged." Nonno addresses his son as if Lorenzo is daft and not calculating. Lorenzo scuffs.

    "I told him he had to marry her before she brought another one of his bastards into the world. That is not a demand, that is common sense," Lorenzo snaps. Vico snarls, and we echo it. My gaze leaves my Êtas to fully focus on the shower wall.

    "My daughter is not a bastard! You feel that way, don't ever touch her. Don't come near my baby." Vico snarls, and a thump goes through the air as if Vico smacked his chest. Lorenzo mutters about how 'he did not mean it that way. And how Mamma would not like it if Vico prevents him from seeing Aurora.'

    "You think I give a shit about what your wife wants?" Vico counters and Dante huffs, but the cousins gasp. 'Vico has always protected his mother. She was on a pedestal to him, no wrong that Lorenzo committed was ever partially blamed on her. Mamma stood back and allowed deplorable things to happen to Vico, but he never faulted her. Not once... this is new and exciting.' I smile feeling my Berserker strum eager to join the fight.

    "Don't talk about my wife like that!" Lorenzo yells, and Vico darkly laughs.

    "Don't speak badly about my EMPRESS!" Vico barks back, 'the persuasion does not work on non-Dynamics, but it still forces them to step back at the dark tone.'

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