Chapter Sixteen Familia (Part 2)

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple

May 21, 2019, 1:35 am, Diana's POV

    'Life here is going well. There is no emerging evil under the curtains, but... but why do I have this feeling that there is evil swarming me? Am I so used to being hurt that I do not know when my life is going well?' I blink around my empty room, then slide off my nest to pull the case out from its hiding spot in a hollowed-out baseboard. The case has weight in my hands. Both physical and mental weight. 'Every time I open it, I hurt. But there are still so many secrets Letica has not told me. So much I still don't know. To sit and do nothing while tens of thousands suffer... I can't do it. I won't do it.' I climb back on my nest, open it, and then attach my headphones to its side. I take a deep breath and search for the next video. I press it, and at first, there is just a black screen. I tilt my head confused. 'It only does this when someone is near.' I look around the room and brush away my thoughts, it is just adjusting. I nestle closer into my back pillow, and then the video pops up. For the first time, Letica is not fully alone, a brown hand is resting on her right shoulder. It is only there for a suspended second, but in it, she nods at the unseen person and takes in breaths. They retract their touch, and I see her deflate. Her first words are said down at the table and not to the camera's face.

    "Hi, Diana. I heard that is what you're going by now. You'll have to forgive me, but I've been calling you Melpomene ever since I knew of you. It will be hard to break-" Letica says and then looks up at me with a small ashamed smile.

    "But I will do my best, Baby Goddess," Letica says and then winces at her first mistake, making me smile with a short giggle. 'I do not mind her calling me Melpomene, she is only saying the name with affection. Those that know me by spoken word, tremble at it. Those that really know me also associate it with the Madhatter. To me it is my war-cry, to her, it is her grandbaby.'

    "I knew you existed long before Clio did. Births from Half-breed Omegas only progress so fast, but you. You demanded to be noticed. Only a month into your conception, and you were already making waves. Clio had become so withdrawn after the killing of Hvare, and though I tried to have her settled somewhere good... she just was not there. And though Royce kept his flawed promise to me... Devin did not. He knew he could not force her to stay, but he still tried to entice her. In between bouts of screaming insanity and ice-cold silences, he began promising her peace. Bargaining it... but not as a feeling, but in a person. A new Gamma." Letica says with a mood bordering on disgust and hatred.

    "They refused to see what shattered her. They continued to blame the lack of a Gamma. The bond between an Omega and a Gamma is beautiful, powerful, and soul-deep. It is not as easy as assigning a stand-in. The Omega or HB-o chooses, but so does the Gamma. The HB-o must choose to fight for both of them and to know every win is won together. The Gamma must give up their autonomy, forsake love outside the Omega's or HB-o's Pack, and give all they have to lift their Omega or HB-o. The Elitist took this away too. The Gammas here, give the choice away unknowingly. They seek out an HB-o to bond with because they are beaten and conditioned to believe they are nothing without one. This is not a true bond, but it will instead kill both in little time. That death is as fragile as a chemical reaction. One measure too much, and everything explodes." Letica says and then nods to herself, her smile becoming forced.

    "Clio wanted the pain to stop, and Devin was a merchant peddling hope. Peace. Life. Freedom. Relief... hope. And as all the other times pain won out, and despite the pain, he helped inflict Clio begin softening to him. This could not be, these men would not dig another shallow grave to bury alive another Omega. I had power here! And I wielded it like a whip. I learned here how to command. How to hiss. How to demand my contract remain fulfilled. I took the mindset of these filthy hateful men and had Clio cast out... well to them. I could only follow her so far out, but Lycus left my castle prison and sought out a good home. A group home a world away. There they fixed Dynamic problems with pills and potions. Medicine and therapy."

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