Chapter Six Pandora's Box

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahcarmeappleBabyalex34Lumped26

April 19, 2019, 9:13 am,
Diana's POV

    "The Empire watched me, but so did my daughter. They inferred things, but they knew nothing. I said nothing, but I could not stop their watching eyes, so when I noticed the cost of protecting myself from Royce's spies was hurting two entire Dynamics I took my Rhos and Êtas aside. And I warned them that inside my nest I am safe and secure. And if they continued to act as a spy for Royce I would have them replaced. It was a bluff at its finest, but instead of continuing to spy on me, they changed to spy for me. The status I had mistakenly given them made them invisible to the 'Higher' Dynamic's eyes. And that was how I was able to see Clio grow a world away. She was brought to me once a week for us to bond. But after she turned eight she became colder and openly admitted that she hated me during every visit. I could not determine the cause, because I was not permitted near her except for that allotted time. It was how Royce punished me." Letica says flatly.

    "Due to his punishment the Council was able to interfere in her life. And the MadMan Devin was able to whisper broken lies in her ears. Because the only two in her rotation were Royce and Devin she decided I was weak. A cunt to breed. A worthless, useless, and stupid barren woman. They were Devin's words coming out of my daughter's mouth. To Devin I was indeed barren, Omegas cannot birth healthy Beta-Omega children. In my case, my body fought for every soul that went into my womb. My conduit would work day in and day out to keep the baby alive. But then it would start to die in my arms the second it left my body. Before I left Devin, he killed the last two that lived. Killed them because he thought they were abominations. After that, I refused to cultivate the babies. I kept a constant thought. A hope. That they would sour in my womb. And they did. Over and over they just died inside me. A graveyard of fetuses." Letica says her voice hard now, but hitches when she speaks of her babies. I blink at the harshness of the word 'graveyard.'

    "I fought for Clio, I would beg to do anything Royce would like. See the people, show them our 'beautiful' Empire. If only he would allow me time with her. And he agreed, much to my shock. I did not learn until after I sold my soul, that Clio would much rather die than spend any length of time in my presence. She opened every meeting screaming like a banshee about how I was her curse. A burden to see. She was spoiled. Not in the behavioral sense... soul deep. Her brain was so manipulated that instead of Clio becoming a glowing light of the Empire to come, as Royce wanted. As Devin wanted behind her curtains. She was going stark raving mad. That did not fit anyone's goal, and if the two psychos had anything, they had goals. Royce had agreed because they thought with my 'demureness' I could parent her. I could fix her." Letica says her lip curling in rich hate and a paramount amount of disgust.

    "Each time that Clio came to me and did not improve, Royce and the Council began talks of moving forward. But Devin in his want to restore former power appealed to the Council when she was ten. Ten-years-old. And he told them they should have her inseminated with sperm. She had just had a period, and Devin claimed this was a good time to see if she could yield more Omegas. Because Clio, to Devin, was now a lost cause. And as Devin always was, that meant she had to be replaced as soon as possible. I discovered my true power on this day. When Royce told me of the Council's vote. I told him that if he did I would kill myself, that one day he would wake up with me swinging from the banister my neck snapped. Royce at that moment reached toward me to harm me, for the words of harming myself. And I had it. I begin to laugh. I asked him to do it. Relieve my suffering and he admitted ever so quietly that he couldn't. That he could not kill me. And at that moment I realized he did not mean it in a literal sense. These were not the wishes of a man using me as a bartering chip for power. Royce physically could not kill me. He physically could not have me die. My life became my greatest power. And I begin to devise a solution to have Clio sent to the out-word. To cast her out of Olympus, our capital, for her own good." Letica says her hands coming up to rub her neck as she remembers.

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