Chapter Seventeen Codes

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Dedicated to: MajenBeos02, bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple

May 22, 2019, 10:47 am, Diana's POV

    'After my showdown with the Italian Mafia, I wordlessly went upstairs and took a glorious rest in my nest. But some discomfort in my mouth woke me in the early morning, and as I stared at the ceiling I had a pregnancy craving. One so deliciously vivid I clumsily reached for my phone and sent a message to Mino telling him, 'not to worry about lunch, I know just the thing.' Well... that was what I intended to send. I actually sent some misspelled words and extra letters randomly between the badly spelled words. But I must have deemed it fit because I rolled over to go back to sleep and then noticed my Quattro Alphas.'

    'They had to have come in sometime during the night. And then they had formed a safe, warm, and protective circle around me. I must have made some sounds because Cello woke up and gave me a dazed smile. Then proceeded to press gentle kisses against my bond marks and all over my sternum. All with happy rumbles and deep pulsing purrs coming from him. In my sleepy brain, I tried to ask why and when they entered, but then Achille unconsciously pulled me closer to him and snuggled me. The feeling of both of them holding me made my words disappear, and I fell back to sleep purring contently.' I smile at the foggy memory and continue humming as I dance around the kitchen collecting ingredients. On my fourth spin, and hear a muffled giggle. I turn toward the doorway, and Aurora's tiny hands are covering her mouth as she laughs at me.

    "Hi, Beautiful!" I say, and she grins coming further into the room, and I immediately see one of her dads following her at a distance. 'Poor little one, when she finds a Pack of her own her Dads are going to give her Prime Alpha hell.' Nilo steadies her when she almost trips, but she doesn't even notice as she hurries toward me and then turns to Nilo.

    "I want to sit please." She asks, pointing at an island chair, and he smiles picking her up, placing her into the chair, and pushing it in so she cannot fall out.

    "What are you making? I saw Mino, Moonie, and Aisha going to the cellar on my way in." Nilo asks, coming up behind me and hugging me softly. I look back and up at him and see a beautiful smile on his face that makes my heart skip a beat. 'I have never seen him unashamedly happy. Almost free?' I grab his hands with both of mine and make his hug tighter around me, and he chuckles.

    "Soul food. These last couple of days were hard for everyone. So I think we should have a family movie night, and eat until we are in food comas." I tell him, and he genuinely laughs and kisses my temple. Something about his dark Knight mood switching to lover makes me blush hard. A sigh reaches my ears, and Aurora is staring at us as if she cannot figure us out. That makes me blush harder. Nilo rocks us both side to side then he looks up at Aurora.

    "Would you like to help Mommy, Cucciolotta?" Nilo asks, and Aurora nods eagerly, then holds her hand out for my measuring cups. I giggle then slide them to her then detach from Nilo to get the flour out of the pantry. When I return Aurora is making funny faces at Nilo, and he is chuckling. [Little Puppy]

    "Okay, Aurora, can I have one cup of flour in this bowl," I ask, and she nods, fingering the cup measurements, and then picking up the correct one. I blink in surprise, 'I saw Mino teach her them, but I somehow believed he led her to the answer. But she recognizes the numbers.' Nilo makes a shocked sound, and Aurora and I giggle at him. His surprise only grows when Aurora makes a concentrated face as she dips the cup measure in, then slides the scrapper across the top and dumps it into the bowl. It is only after she is done that she makes a baby sound and claps her hands cheering for herself. Nilo goes to probably give her shocked praise, but I stop him with a subtle hand.

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