Good News

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Sam's POV:

Beep beep beep beep!

I groaned as I turned off my alarm not really wanting to wake up. But I know if I don't my stepmom will yell at me. I then got up seeing that it was 6:50 am, got dressed into a red short-sleeved t-shirt and blue jeans, and brushed my teeth and hair in my small bathroom in my basement bedroom. Once I was done, I silently went upstairs and began my morning cleaning lineup.

I then start off by sweeping the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Once I'm done sweeping, I then mop til the floor's all clean. Once I'm done sweeping and mopping, I then cook breakfast for my stepmom and stepsisters. Once I'm done serving their plates, I wash the utensils I use. When will my life begin? I sigh as I silently wonder to myself.

"Morning peasant!" I hear Ashley say as she and Brittany laugh. "Morning," I replied with a fake smile on my face. Moments later, my stepmom arrived and all three of them began eating. I then rush upstairs and began doing all three of their beds. "You Better Not Touch Anything!" I hear my stepmom yell. "Don't Worry Ma'am I Won't!" I called back. I then picked up all three of their dirty clothes and placed them in their assigned hampers.

Once all three rooms were cleaned and organized, I then rushed downstairs and washed all three of their utensils. Once I put all the dishes away, I then went downstairs and put on my pendant, and hid it underneath my shirt. The only ones who knew about my pendant were my best friends Corey and Jake. We met in freshman year and became inseparable since. I then grabbed my phone and saw it was now 7:25.

"Samuel Hurry Up Before You Make The Twins Late For School!" My stepmom yelled. "Coming Ma'am!" I replied as I grabbed my bag and slipped my phone into my back pocket. I then ran upstairs and saw my two stepsisters waiting for me. "Here peasant, now drive us!" Brittany snapped as she gave me her keys. I just sigh as I grab an apple and put it in my bag to eat later.

Third Person POV:

Poor Sam was not only tired of being the family servant but he was also tired of being his stepsisters' chauffeur. Sam was also tired of always being locked in his room whenever his stepsisters threw parties. Rather it is a birthday party or a random party.

While poor Sam, on the other hand, only celebrates his birthday by himself in his room with only a video call from his friends. His stepmom and stepsisters never celebrate his birthday. In fact, they even purposely forgot about it.

Sam's POV:

Once we got to school, Brittany right away snatched her keys from me as she and Ashley handed me their bags. "Come on peasant, take our bags to our lockers," Ashley smirked as she and Brittany snickered at me.

I sigh as I follow them to their lockers. The good thing was that Brittany and Ashley's lockers were next to each other. Another thing is they are part of the popular crowd. Which makes me at the bottom of the food chain. Also, no one except for my friends and our principal knows that the twins and I are sort of related.

Once we got to their lockers, they then took their bags from me. "Ok peasant, now scram!" Ashley snapped, making me hurry off. Once I got to my locker, I then took out my apple and began eating. "Hey, Sam!" I then turned to see Jake and Corey walking toward me. "Oh, hey guys," I greeted as I finished my apple. "Let me guess, the same as always?" Jake asked, referring to my daily schedule. I then nodded my head.

"Well anyways, did y'all hear?" Corey said. "About what?" I asked him. "That model and social media star Colby Brock is going to be joining our school," Corey replied while smirking at me. If I haven't mentioned, I'm gay and only Corey and Jake know. Also, Colby Brock has been my crush for years now.

"No way really!" I squealed with joy. "Yup, just hope you can act normal around him," Corey said. "Who knows, maybe you might end up dating him," Jake added. "Yeah right, why would he want to be with a nobody like me," I replied. "Heard you guys talking about Colby," Ashley sneered. "You're so right peasant who would want to be with someone like you!" Brittany said as they both laughed at me. "Just wait until mom finds out about this!" Ashley said as they walked away.

"Damn dawg, I don't know how you can stand them," Corey told me. "Eh, I'm used to it," I sadly replied. Suddenly the warning bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and we all went to class. All through class, I couldn't stop thinking about how I'm finally going to meet Colby. But deep down I know that I have no chance of being with him.

The rest of the day went by fast since I basically spent it daydreaming. I'm at my locker getting my bag when my stepsisters showed up. "Hurry Up Peasant!" Ashley snapped. I sigh as I took their bags and follow them to Brittany's car. Once I put our bags in the trunk, I then got in and drove us home. Once we got home, I saw my stepmom waiting for us.

"Hey mom," the girls said in unison. "Hello girls, how was school today?" "Amazing as always!" Ashley said. "Oh my god mom, you won't believe who's going to be joining our school?" Brittany said. "Who?" My stepmom asked. "Colby Brock!" both Ashley and Brittany answered in unison. "That is amazing news!" my stepmom said.

"Oh yeah mom, Samuel here is gay," Brittany said. My eyes widened as I looked at her. "Oh? Is that so?" my stepmom said. "Yup and he thinks he has a chance to date Colby," Ashley sneered. "Ha! Samuel dating Colby? Why would he want to date someone like him," my stepmom said as all three of them laughed at me.

I just sadly sigh as I made my way to the kitchen and make dinner. Once I was done, I then worked on Brittany and Ashley's homework. After I finished their homework, I then washed and put away the dishes. Afterward, I went to my room and worked on my homework. As I'm working on my homework I took out some food I took from lunch and ate some.

Once I was done, I then checked the time and saw it was 1:30 am. I sigh as I turn on my alarm and look at my pendant. How I wish to be free and away from this place, I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep. 

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