Hidden Truth

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Sam's POV:

As I waited for Corey and the gang to come to get me, I began to do breathing exercises to help with my claustrophobia. As I was breathing, I suddenly heard my stepmom and stepsisters talking through the vent. I then crawled to it so I can hear what they were saying. "Now with that peasant out of the way, how are we going to get Colby to fall for one of us?" Ashley asked. "Easy, all we have to do is convince him that Samuel here lied to him and that he's only with him for his fame and money," my stepmom instructed.

I gasped as I covered my mouth. "What about the peasant? What are we going to do with him?" Brittany asked. "Trick him of course," I heard my stepmom say. "How?" Ashley asked. "His freedom in exchange for his will and his father's company," she explained. I couldn't believe what I heard, my dad left me his will and company and I'm just finding out right now. I then realized that's why my stepmom and stepsisters hated me.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and my closet door opened. "Hello, Samuel," my stepmom grinned. "I have an offer for you." "What offer?" I asked as I pretend to be dumb. "I'll give you your freedom back in exchange for your will and your father's company," she smirked as she showed me a piece of paper. "No way! I prefer being locked up than losing everything my dad's ever worked for as well as putting millions out of work!" I exclaimed. "Well then hopefully you don't die alone, cause from now on you'll be locked in here until your eighteenth birthday," she smirked. "What?! You can't do that!" I yelled. "I can and I will unless you give me your will!" "Why do you want my will and my dad's company?" I asked.

"So, I can be rich of course," She replied. "As for your father's company, I'm planning to sell it for even more money." "You never loved my dad did you?!" I snapped at her. "You married him for his money!" "Well, why else would I marry him," she sneered. "I was thrilled when your father died because that meant my daughters and I were able to have his will. Of course, that couldn't happen, since he gave his will to you." "Of course, he gave me his will, I'm his legitimate son!" I snapped back.

"So Samuel, let me ask you again, do you want your freedom or not?" My stepmom asked. "No! I'm not exchanging my freedom for my will and my dad's company!" I replied. "Then you leave me with no choice, oh girls!" My eyes widened as I saw my stepsisters. "Yes, mom?" they replied in unison. "Samuel here doesn't want us to be rich. Why don't you help change his mind," my stepmom smirked as she left.

Ashley and Brittany both backhandedly slapped me across the face. Then, they shoved me to the floor where I was slapped and kicked all over. "Ok that's enough girls," my stepmom said as the slapping and kicking stopped. "So Samuel, did you change your mind?" she asked me. "My answer is still no!" I snapped at her. "Oh well, have fun slowly dying." With that, my stepmom closed and locked the door. I then sighed as I slid down the wall and hugged my knees as tears silently slipped down my face. 

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