The Plan

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Sam's POV:

I saw Jake and Corey waiting for me so I walked toward them. As I did, I noticed my stepsisters and my eyes widened as I realized I was supposed to be outside waiting for them. "So how did it go?" Jake asked. "It went great," I replied. "Now let's go, I only have ten minutes before my stepsisters find out I'm gone," I told them. We then ran back to the Janitor's closet. "Hey, so how did it go?" Tara asked once I shut the door. "It was ok, now I need to change back before I get caught," I told them. Tara gave me my clothes as she and Devyn turned around so I can get change.

Once I was back into my old clothes, Devyn helped me take off my wig. She then gave me some makeup remover wipes and I immediately wiped the makeup away. "Here take these facial cleansers so you can wash your face at night and in the morning," Devyn said while handing me the cleansers. I thanked her and I ran all the way to Ashley's car. Once there, I quickly opened the trunk and put the cleansers in my bag. I shut the trunk and locked it just in time.

"Come on peasant we're going home," Brittany said. I nodded my head as I unlocked the car. We then got in and I drove us home. Once we got home, I right away brought our bags down and ran to the kitchen, and did my evening lineup.

Next Day

I was at my locker getting my things for first-period English and I began thinking to myself. I sigh as I know I would never get to be with Colby. Maybe we can possibly be friends, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I was snapped from my thoughts as the intercoms came on.

"Good morning mighty badgers. I have some exciting news! The lucky girl who gets to be with Colby is....Samantha Smith! Congratulations you will be contacted by text! Everyone else have a good rest of your day."

My eyes widened as I realized I was picked. I then stood there not sure if I heard correctly. "Sam!" I then turned to see Jake and Corey run up to me. "Congrats brother!" Corey said as he hugged me. "You see dude, I told you that you were a shoo win," Jake added as he hugged me too. "I-I don't even know how this is even possible," I replied. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I took out my phone to see that I had gotten a text.


Hey Samantha it's Colby, just wanted to say congrats! Can't wait to work with you! xxx

"Oh my god, I just got a text from Colby!" I squealed. "Wait what?!" Corey asked. "Bro show us!" Jake added. I then handed them my phone so they could read the text. "Bro he even sent you three Xs!" Jake said. "This is definitely a sign brother," Corey said as he handed me my phone. I then realized they texted back.


Omg, I'm so excited, can't wait to work with you! xxx

"Really guys?" I asked them. "Sorry bro, but he needed a response," Jake replied. "Ok, but why three Xs?" I whined. "To show him that you're interested," Corey added. "Whatever, we'll talk later during lunch," I told them. "Come on, let's get to class."

Time Skip

I was putting my lunch in my bag when I realized something, my stepmom, and stepsisters. I groaned as I put my head in my hands. "What's wrong Sam?" I look up to see Jake and Corey sitting down at our table. "Guys I can't be with Colby," I told them. "What? Why!" Corey said. "One, my stepmom and stepsisters. Two, I'm not allowed to leave the house, remember?" I told them.

"Why not lie to them?" Corey said. "How?" Sam asked. "Well, since your stepmom lets you work on projects at our house," Jake said. "Why not lie and say you have to work on a project with us?" "That's not a bad idea Jake," Corey said. "Yeah, but she'll check my location and see that I'm not at any of your houses," I replied. "What if you switched phones with us?" Corey suggested. "What are you talking about?" I ask them. "I mean, when you come to our houses, you leave your phone there and just take mine or Jake's," Corey explained. "I mean, I guess that can work," I replied. "Question is whose class are we using and how long should we give the project?" I asked them.

"Mr.Santiago's art class," Corey replied. "I guess that can work but what will our 'project' be about?" I asked them. "Having to make our own clothing line and it's due in two to four weeks," Jake added. "Ok, let's just hope this works," I told them.

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