Found/The Truth

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Colby's POV:

"Hmm, you two are the first ones that actually know the exact same phrase from the pendant," I said as I looked at the twins. "Well, that's because the pendant belongs to my twin sister Brittany. Right Brit?" one girl said. "That's true Ash," the other said. "I was looking all over for it, thank you so much for finding it." I know that I promised to give the pendant to the person who got the phrase right but something was telling me that this girl was not the true owner. But again a promise is a promise. I was about to give the girl the pendant when a voice called out.

"Wait!" I then turned to see Sam standing there. "Sam?" I asked. "Ugh, what's he doing here!" I hear one of the twins say. "Don't worry Colby, we'll take care of our assistant," the other said as they ran and grabbed Sam by the arms. "Let him go," I called. "Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked as the girls let him go. "To tell you that the pendant is mine," he responded. "Really? What does the pendant say?" I asked. "Onward & Upward on the front and With love forever, mother and father on the back," he responded. "Ok, how do I know that you're telling the truth?" I asked.

Sam then took out what appeared to be a wig from his bag. "Hi," he said in a high-pitched voice after putting the wig on. My eyes widened as I realized I was right all along that both Sam and Samantha were the same person. "You're...You're Samantha?" I asked. "Yes, I am," he responded while taking the wig off. "I dropped my pendant the day of our Skilt photoshoot when I was rushing to leave." "Don't listen to him, Colby!" "Yeah, he's just a little delusional!" Both twins said. "Stop," I told them.

"Please, all I ask is if I could get my pendant back. It's all I have left of my parents," he begged with teary eyes. "Wait, are you an orphan?" I asked. "Yes, I am. My mom and dad gave me that pendant for my twelfth birthday a month before my mom died from a heart attack. Two years later, my dad died in a car crash," he explained. "I understand if you're mad at me but I need to get my pendant back," Sam said as he looked down.

I then walked up to him and gently lifted his chin up. My heart was not only beating nonstop but it was also telling me that Sam was telling the truth. I then held up his pendant, "I just want to know why?" Sam sighs as he looks at me. "In the house, I'm in, I'm not allowed to leave the house except for school and I'm not even allowed to live my life and I've dreamt of meeting you for so long that this was the only way to do it," he explained. I then felt bad for him. "Not only do I believe you," I said as I placed the pendant around his neck, "But I also found you as well." Sam smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. "Thank you," he whispered. I softly chuckled as I hugged him back. I was finally happy to find the one I love.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to have a word with you both privately," my agent told me. Sam and I let go of each other and followed him so we could escape the crowd. "I'm glad you found the owner of the pendant but I'm afraid I have no choice but to split you both up and find you another girl," my agent said. "What?!" I said in a shocked tone. "I'm sorry but the contest specifically says a girl must win." "I prefer to quit modeling than lose him again," I told him. "You really think your mom will let you be with someone like him?" my agent retorted. "Don't talk to him like that," I softly growled. "Think about your career," he insisted. "Look, Lawrence, I don't care about my career. Why would I care if no one cares about what I want!" I snapped at him.

"You just made a huge mistake, just wait til your mom hears about this!" he hissed. "You know what Lawrence? I don't care anymore because I quit!" I retorted. "Excuse me?! After years of hard work you're just going to quit just like that?!" he told me with anger in his voice. "I prefer finding a new agent who will support me and allow me to be who I want!" My ex-agent scoffed as he walked away 

Samantha (A Solby Cinderella Story)Where stories live. Discover now