Locked In Pt 2

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A/N: This chapter was inspired by Cinderella's locked-in scene.

Sam's POV:

"Sorry about that," Colby apologized. "It's fine, sorry I made you quit," I told him. "You didn't make me quit, I wanted to quit," he told me. I suddenly remembered about my stepsisters. "I-I'm sorry but I have to go," I said as I once again ran away. I had just turned the corner when I was stopped by my stepsisters. "There you are!" Ashley snapped. "Just wait until we get home!" Brittany hissed. Just by looking at the pure anger on their faces, I knew they were going to take out their anger on me later on. Ashley then grabbed my left wrist and dragged me out of the school and into the car. On the way to the car, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned to see Colby with a concerned look on his face. Once we got to the car, I quickly grabbed our bags and put them in the trunk. I then shut the trunk and drove us home.

Once we got home, I grabbed our bags and followed the twins inside. "Mom come here quick!" Ashley shouted. "What is it dear," my stepmom asked as she walked in from the living room. "This little snake here, not only told Colby that the pendant was his but he also told him that he was Samantha!" Brittany explained. "You little traitor!" my stepmom yelled as she backhandedly slapped me across the face. "I'll take that!" she hissed as she ripped my pendant off of my neck. "P-please give it back!" I begged. "Shut it!" my stepmom snapped as she put my pendant in her pocket.

My stepmom then grabbed my wrist and my bag as she dragged me downstairs. My eyes widened as she shoved me inside the small closet along with my bag. "No please!" I begged as I ran to stop the door but it was too late for I was locked in. "Your punishment will be to be locked in here for a month without food or water!" she snapped. "No please, I'll die!" I exclaimed. "I don't care!" she yelled as I heard her walk away. "Let me out! You must let me out! You can't keep me in here!" I begged as I banged on the door. "Please oh please let me out!" but it was no use. I then slid down the door and hugged my knees as I silently cried. I then remembered the walkie-talkies, Corey got for us a while ago in case my phone was taken away from me again.

I then wiped my tears as I got up and took out the box behind my toilet bucket. I then turned it on, "Corey? Corey, please answer me!" I called as I hoped that Corey had his walkie-talkie with him. "Sam?" "Corey please, I need your help! My stepmom took my pendant away from me and she has me locked in my closet for a month without food or water," I explained.

Third Person POV:

Corey, Jake, and the girls were at the park near the school hoping everything went ok with Sam when "Corey? Corey, please answer me!" "Is that Sam?" Devyn asked. "The walkie-talkie!" Both Corey and Jake answered. Corey immediately took out the walkie-talkie from his bag. "Sam?" he asked. "Corey please, I need your help! My stepmom took my pendant away from me and she has me locked in my closet for a month without food or water." Immediately everyone gasped as they were shocked.

"Sam, is your bedroom window open?" Jake asked. "I think so," Sam replied. "Ok, don't worry we're on our way to get you out," Corey said. Just then Colby, who was out on a walk, saw Corey and the gang with worried looks on their faces. "Hey, guys, what's wrong?" Colby asked. Corey hesitated at first but he knew how much Colby liked Sam. So he decided to tell him. "It's Sam, he's in trouble," Corey told him.

Colby's eyes widened, "what do you mean Sam's in trouble?" he asked. "Come with us and I'll tell you everything." Once they got in Corey's car, Corey began to drive while explaining Sam's story to Colby. 

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