Locked In pt 1

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Third Person POV:

Sam ran to his locker where his friends were. "Hey, Sam," Corey greeted him. "Hey," Sam sadly greeted them. "Sam, what's wrong?" Jake asked. Sam explained everything to them. "Now I need your help to find a way to get my pendant back," Sam pleaded. "Don't worry brother, we'll help," Jake said. "Really?" Sam asked. "Yeah dawg, that's what friends are for," Corey replied. "Thanks, guys," Sam said with a smile on his face.

The whole morning Sam and his friends brainstormed ways to help prove that the pendant belongs to Sam. Soon enough lunchtime came and Corey got an idea. He then explained everything to Sam and Jake. "Do you think it could work?" Sam asked "Only one way to find out brother," Corey said as he took his phone out and texted Devyn.

Time Skip

The day had finally ended and Sam was at his locker. Sam grabbed his bag and walked to his stepsisters' lockers. "There you are peasant," Ashley sneered. She then grabbed Sam's right wrist and began to drag him as Brittany walked behind her while holding their bags. Ashley opened a Janitor's closet and shoved Sam inside.

"W-what are you doing?!" Sam asked. "We're making sure that you don't get that stupid pendant of yours by locking you up," Brittany answered. "What?! No please!" Sam begged as both twins laughed at him while locking him in. "Don't worry, we'll get you out once we get your pendant." Sam then began banging on the door. "Someone please get me out of here please!" But it was no use, everyone either left or went to claim his pendant. Poor Sam slid down the wall and hugged his knees as tears slipped down his face.

Meanwhile, Jake and Corey were outside with the girls waiting for Sam. They soon began to worry since Sam hasn't shown up. "Guys, I think we should go find Sam," Devyn suggested. They all agreed and went inside to look for him. Meanwhile, Sam wiped his tears away and decided to give banging on the door one last try. "Please, someone get me out of here!" he begged.

Corey and Jake and the girls were walking looking for Sam when "Please, someone get me out of here!" "Guys that sounds like Sam!" Corey said. "Sounds like he's nearby," Jake added. They then began to follow his cry for help. "Please somebody help me!" "Sounds like it's coming from the closet," Devyn pointed out. They all ran to the closet. "Sam? Are you here?" Corey asked while knocking on the door. "Guys, please help me get out of here!" Sam begged. "I got this," Tara said. She then pulled out a bobby pin and began to pick the lock. Suddenly the door opened and there stood Sam. "Thank you, thank you!" Sam said as he hugged her.

"Sam, why were you locked in the closet?" Jake asked. "My stepsisters locked me in so I couldn't get my pendant," Sam responded. "Ok that's messed up," Corey said. "Anyways, come on Sam let's get your pendant," Devyn said. Sam grabbed his bag and slipped it on as Devyn quickly placed the wig inside. They then ran to where Colby held the auditions last time, hoping they get there on time.

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