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Third Person POV:

What Sam didn't know was that he accidentally called Corey through the walkie-talkie. Meaning Corey and the gang heard Sam and Marisa's entire conversation. "That explains why his stepmom and stepsisters were always mean to him," Tara said once Corey turned off the walkie-talkie. "Yeah that's really messed up," Jake added. "Corey, how much longer until we get there?" Colby asked. "Not that long, just two more minutes," Corey replied.

Two minutes later, they arrived at Sam's house and they walked through the side of the house to the window near Sam's mattress bed. Corey checked to see if it was unlocked and luckily it was. They all jumped in and ran to the door. Tara then took out a bobby pin and picked on the lock. Once the door opened, Sam was sitting against the wall with his head on his knees. "Sam?" Colby asked. "Colby?!" Sam asked as he looked up with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?" "We came to get you out," Colby said as the others peeked in.

Sam then got up and launched himself into Colby's arms. "Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you all of you," Sam said as he looked at his friends. "My pendant, she still has it along with-" "Your will and the lease to your dad's company?"Jake said while cutting Sam off. "H-How did you?" Sam asked. "You accidentally called me with your walkie-talkie," Corey told him. "Oh," Sam responded. "Please, I need your help to get them back!" Sam explained. "Don't worry we will," Colby assured him. "How did you get out?!"

Sam's POV:

My eyes widened as I saw my stepmom standing there with a furious look on her face. Colby protectively pushed me behind him. "We helped him out," Colby softly growled. "Oh girls look who's here!" my stepmom called. Immediately my stepsisters came downstairs and their eyes widened as they saw Colby. "Colby, what are you doing here?" Ashley asked. "Why are you with him when you could be with one of us?" Brittany asked. " 'Cause I want to," Colby answered with a duh tone.

"Samuel, you know you're forbidden to leave the house!" my stepmom said. I just looked down as I knew that she was right, I was stuck in this house until my eighteenth birthday. "Unless that is, you give me what I want," she bribed me. "No! I prefer being locked up and being your servant than giving you my will and putting millions out of work!" I snapped at her. "Well then, say goodbye to not only your friends but to your stupid little pendant as well," she grinned. "Please, give me back my pendant!" I begged. "Nope, I'm getting it pawned," she smirked. "No please!" I begged. "The rest of you get out of my house and you Samuel get in the closet!" my stepmom snapped.

"We're not leaving without Sam," Colby said as he grabbed my hand. "Yeah, Sam's part of our family," Corey said. "Then I'll call the police on you all," my stepmom threatened. "Who are they going to believe, a bunch of innocent kids or a cruel lying thief like you!" Tara snapped. "Doesn't matter 'cause I own him until he's eighteen." "Sam is not some piece of property that you can own. He's human just like everyone else," Colby told her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "mom, the police are here!" Ashley yelled. "You little brats called them did you?!" my stepmom asked.

"Maybe we did, maybe we didn't," Colby answered. "Remember brat, if you say anything then you'll really be an orphan," my stepmom said. I realized she was right, if they take her away, I'll have nowhere to go. They might even send me to foster care. "Sam will not be an orphan 'cause he'll be living with me," Corey snapped at her. "Ha! Over my dead body!" my stepmom said. Suddenly, the cops came and began asking us questions.

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