The Search

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Time Skip

Colby's POV:

I was at my lunch table talking to Elton about how Samantha somehow blocked me. "Why would she block you?" Elton asked. "I have no idea," I responded. "Yesterday after she left, I found this pendant on the floor where she was standing. I figured it was hers so I thought about asking her today but now I can't." "Well, seeing that she attends Westbrook High, maybe the principal can give you her address so you can give it to her?" Elton suggested.

"You're probably right, I'll ask him after lunch," soon enough the bell rang so I went and dumped my tray and went to see Principal Waterston. Once I got there, I opened the door. "Hello, Principal Waterston, I was wondering if I could ask you something?" I asked. "Of course," he responded. "Well, I was wondering if I can get Samantha's address because she left behind her pendant but I somehow can't contact her," I explained. "Well usually I can't but I'll see what I can do. So her name is Samantha-?" "Samantha Smith," I replied.

"Ok, let me see," he responded as he looked. "Hmm, I found a lot of Samanthas but no Samantha Smith," he explained. "But there has to be since she won right?" I asked. "Of course but unfortunately it seems like she doesn't attend this school," I sigh in defeat. "Well is it ok if I could make an announcement about the pendant?" I asked. "Of course," he replied. I then thanked him as I decided to ask Elton to help me.

Third Person POV:

"So how are you going to do it?" Elton asked during his and Colby's seventh-period English class. "I don't know yet," Colby responded. "Wait, didn't you say that you wanted to find out if Samantha and Sam are the same person?" Elton asked. "Yeah?" Colby asked him. "Well, why not use this opportunity to do so?" Elton suggested. "How?" Colby asked. Elton thought for a moment and immediately explained his idea to Colby who liked the idea so he decided to announce it right now. Colby then raised his hand asking if he can go to the bathroom. Once Colby got permission, he then

walked out of class and ran straight to Principal Waterston's office. "Mr.Waterson?" Colby asked, "Yes, Cole?" Principal Waterson asked. "I think I'm ready for my announcement," Colby said. Colby then explained everything to Principal Waterston who was happy to give the announcement. Colby thanked him as he went back to class.

Sam's POV:

I was at my locker with Corey and Jake. We were let out early from art since we finished our assignments early. We were chilling when the intercoms came on.

"Good evening mighty badgers, yesterday Colby found a small pendant. If the owner can come tomorrow after school to prove that it's theirs by saying the exact phrase on it then that student can have it back. Thank you and have a good rest of your day."

Soon the bell rang and the halls started to fill. My eyes widened as I wondered if that could be my lost pendant. "Sam, did you hear that?" Jake asked. "Y-Yeah I did," I responded. "Sam, what if that's your pendant?" Corey asked. "If it is then the only spot I could've lost it is at the park when I rushed to leave before getting caught," I replied. "Hey, peasant!" I then quickly turned as I saw my stepsisters. "You made us wait for you!" Ashley snapped. "I-I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again," I told them. "It better not or else!" Brittany hissed. I then waved at my friends as I grabbed my bag.

I then grabbed my stepsisters' bags and followed them to Ashley's car. Once we got to the car, I quickly put our bags in the trunk. I then shut the trunk, got in, and drove us home. Once we got home, the girls ran inside as I grabbed our bags. "Oh my god mom guess what?!" Ashley said. "What dear?" my stepmom asked. Both Ashley and Brittany explained everything to my stepmom.

"That's good news but we don't even know what the phrase is," my stepmom said. "On the contrary mom," Brittany said. "Samuel here knows since we heard him tell his friends that it's his." My eyes widened as I looked at them. "Is that so?" she asked. "Samuel!" She called. "Yes, ma'am?" I asked. "I'm guessing you lost your little pendant when you were dressing up as Samantha, correct?" my stepmom asked. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say or do.

"Answer me!" my stepmom snapped making me jump. "Y-Yes, ma'am," I answered. My stepmom instantly smirked. "Now tell us that phrase or I'll lock you in the closet!" my stepmom threatened. I knew I had no choice but to give in. "It's Onward & Upward on the front and With love forever, mother and father on the back," I replied. "Good, 'cause that pendant is no longer yours." "What?! No please it's all I have left of my parents!" I begged with teary eyes. "Shut it, you stupid boy! You should've thought of that before you lost it!" my stepmom hissed. Both Ashley and Brittany snickered as they stood behind my stepmom. "Now go make dinner!" my stepmom demanded. I then quickly went and did my evening lineup. That night, I looked out the window and saw two bright stars. "I'm so sorry mom and dad," I apologized. "I promise I will do whatever it takes to get that pendant back," I then send air kisses to the sky as I wiped my tears away. I then silently cried myself to sleep.

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